the Place is a dump though. The germans only invented the Blitzkreig, so they wouldn't have to spend too long there on their way to froggy land..

& it's the only country in the eastern Bloc that the soviets willingly divided up and shared with someone else. anything to get rid of as much of the place as poss

Hey up Pikey, I wish to remark upon your considered opinion of Poland, I feel it must be said that some may find your comments offensive and derogatory, I on the other hand agree completely but the birds are fit as butchers dogs and booze fags and food are dirt cheap, so all in all im a happy bunny;)
Ooooh.......Accy's bin summoned.....wonder who got the red triangle pressed on them?:behindsofa:
Ooooh.......Accy's bin summoned.....wonder who got the red triangle pressed on them?:behindsofa:

DiscoPol is secretly fuming about me Poland comment. That's what ya get from someone, who likes sliding down a greasy pole. :eek: :rolleyes:

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