Before you lot lynch Mike he did actually reply to the link given but it was intercepted by the spam filter.
I did....I clicked it...I read it....I replied.....thanks

there's the love you have longed for Freely, its a beautiful thing to see such love between 2 gaylanderers shared so openly, so freely if you will, so innocently, so bravely in the face of those nasty tratter boys too.

Boys I commend your actions, don't be scared to shout it from the roof tops that you both love the pink oboe, be proud, in fact be Gaylanderers in every sense of the word,
Before you lot lynch Mike he did actually reply to the link given but it was intercepted by the spam filter.

Oi Ratty, dont come here with your reasonable attitude, we dont like your sorts round these parts, off with you:emps1:
Oi Ratty, dont come here with your reasonable attitude, we dont like your sorts round these parts, off with you:emps1:

With the telly tubby sat on one end of the see-saw someone had to bulk out the other end.;):D
there's the love you have longed for Freely, its a beautiful thing to see such love between 2 gaylanderers shared so openly, so freely if you will, so innocently, so bravely in the face of those nasty tratter boys too.

Boys I commend your actions, don't be scared to shout it from the roof tops that you both love the pink oboe, be proud, in fact be Gaylanderers in every sense of the word,

Watch it Polands not that far away you know:(:D
kinell the way your scoffing all those chippys me feet will in the air soon :D:D

If I thought the gallows would take yer weight I'd hang you from em now.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p

I'll have to wait for the crane to get here instead.:D:D:D
Watch it Polands not that far away you know:(:D

you would have a HGF before you got here or your doors would fall off coming through Holland coz of the moisture in the air, Im not scared of you Gaylanderers , honest:behindsofa:
Mike, Stick your question in the freelander section and leave the school kids to carry on playing with themselves.;):)

Welcome to LZ by the way.:)
you would have a HGF before you got here or your doors would fall off coming through Holland coz of the moisture in the air, Im not scared of you Gaylanderers , honest:behindsofa:
the natural barrier that is Holland, darn it to heck ;)
Watch it Polands not that far away you know:(:D

the Place is a dump though. The germans only invented the Blitzkreig, so they wouldn't have to spend too long there on their way to froggy land..

& it's the only country in the eastern Bloc that the soviets willingly divided up and shared with someone else. anything to get rid of as much of the place as poss

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