If he knows your fragrant farts he won't get that close

I has a lump the size of an egg blocking me vent shaft. Farting hurts to much as it twangs the lump on exitting. :eek: So I make sure there's no explosive ones, nowadays.
Mod 1 is doing his silent routine again - his aloofness is such a turn on :D
Im off too, night all, im off out to play in the mud in the morning so i needs me beauty sleep;)

c ya.
I has a lump the size of an egg blocking me vent shaft. Farting hurts to much as it twangs the lump on exitting. :eek: So I make sure there's no explosive ones, nowadays.

Bet it's an ingrowing hair zit type thing. Search on u-pube:puke:
kinell who's kicking off now? Anything actually worth reading the Fred for......somehow doubt it :rolleyes:
Mod 1 , what would happen if I were to post topless pics on this thread as its not in anything goes :confused:

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