Thanks for that guys. Had gathered there has been problems with that sort of thing and the authorities are rightly taking steps to stop the minority who spoil it for the rest of us.
yup,....already know this and have reported folk to plod myself when i have seen them at it.......don't wish to get a load of abuse for this but i hate folk who try to ruin my favourite hobby in my backyard

Don't know of anyone ono this forum who will give you stress for reporting ****s!
hate to be a pain but have been called in until 12 noon at work on saturday morning....can be with you by 1 though depending on where you are. pm sent to screwy well p**sed off i can tell you
It ok... get the phone number of someone who will be there. Hook up on CB... usually channel 6. We have sat nav( well some do) and should be able to give you findable co ordinates.
Best to establish which group you are running with though. We should be in different places!
Been looking at you tube... oh **** big mistake, I hate heights to start with and some of that looks like a nightmare to me!

Still if it was easy it wouldn't be fun right??!!??

Whatever happened to the days when I was happy taking illegal drugs and just pretending to live in the real world!
Have we got an agreed plan for Friday morning? Where are we meeting up, what time? who are we picking up along the way - where and when? Are we all going straight to the campsite or are most stopping by at Paddocks first?

I might be tight for time Friday morning so might have to catch you all up but I suspect I'll be travelling faster;).
Have we got an agreed plan for Friday morning? Where are we meeting up, what time? who are we picking up along the way - where and when? Are we all going straight to the campsite or are most stopping by at Paddocks first?

I might be tight for time Friday morning so might have to catch you all up but I suspect I'll be travelling faster;).

Kev we are gonna meet at tesco's in dunstable for 8.30 friday morning its close to M1 people can run in for last min bits and there is the petrol station there.

Then we plan to leave just after 9.00 when traffic has settled a bit and meeting B3aker at the services just after j.21 around 10.15ish

Not sure if anyones going paddocks first but i got the trailer so will be going straight to camp site.

Hope this helps see you friday :)
For those who are going friday morning and meeting us at tesco's please put your name here so we know who we are waiting for cheers

I'll probably need to make a trip there after I get some opinions on the leaks. Oh and can someone bring an swr meter as well, I need to check my cb as it's only showing one bar of signal, unless I'm interpreting it wrong.
I'll probably need to make a trip there after I get some opinions on the leaks. Oh and can someone bring an swr meter as well, I need to check my cb as it's only showing one bar of signal, unless I'm interpreting it wrong.

Screwy don't key the mic. You'll only blow the output tansistor if the swr is too high. I'll call kev and see whether I can pick up his and bring it with me.
Are you not intending to stay in contact with the ground then?

Being in contact with the ground is certainly high on my list of priorities for the weekend. SOME areas of the ground look further away than others, depending on which window you are looking out of at the time.:eek:
Sorry Lads, definitely can't join you, but got a decent reason ...

Got a date for an MRI scan for this Saturday morning, so we're putting off what we were going to do Saturday 'till Sunday so haven't any of the weekend free now!

I had an accident down t'pit many years ago and bust my neck a bit ... 30 years on and it's getting to be a problem as apparently my neck never healed and when I've been getting pains in the neck as I crick it, it's apparently been breaking again!! The vetebrae that fractured never healed or knitted properly, just developed a calcium layer, which broke again and developed another layer etc etc, and now it's at the point where it's pinching the spinal column nerves and I'm occasionally in abject agony ... ;

The little wing bits that stick out of the bony bits have broken off from three vertebrae and are now about 1/2" from where they should be, which is also causing me some issues! Hopefully I'm supposed to be getting an email with a copy of the X-ray, which is a corker, but only seen it in docs surgery yet, not in my email box ...

Sounds worse than it is, but it's still feckin' painful!!

Oh ... and they haven't worked out how they can fix it, hence the full-on MRI, 'cos I also broke some of the bones at the base of my back, so they don't know if it's the neck end or bum end of my backbone that's causing the real problems.

So it's fairly important I don't miss this particular appointment, rather than laning ... ;)

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