Thanks for that Paul, any hints and tips gratefully received. You gonna join us at all that weekend?

Doubtful, we have something booked, but that's looking doubtful too, now.

So, if I do get the chance it'll be a very last minute job, so if I can I willl, if I can't, I won't. ;) If I can and do I'll just tag along with a group if there's not too many, but definitely can't stay overnight though.
Hey Paul, just show up if the fancy takes ya. We all use CBs so we're easy to locate and I'm sure you'd be welcomed to the first group you laugh at!
LOL, the fancy takes me allright, just have stuff happening that I might need to do instead .. ;)

Doesn't matter how much laning we do, we can always do more ...
Comforting thought that Paddocks is on the doorstep though. If it breaks, lets hope it's before they close.
paddocks shut @12pm on saturday so get your sh*tpart spares in early if you need them

sorry i have been quiet recently, have been in cornwall in the darkages (no 'tinternet). am in wales at moment about 10 miles from strata (yes it's gonna be driven whilst i am here) been out driving my mates 4x4 - a bedford mj,......and his 432 armoured personel don't get stuck in those babies lol.....looking forward to meeting you all,.....p.s. count me out for chapelgate,.........not a lane i wanna do again in this lifetime,.........costs too much in repairs lol.
cheers i knew they close early ill probably get up to them on the Friday morning. Bedford mj well last time we were down Bovingdon circa 1990 we got all sorts stuck 6x6 scammels, gamma-goat, many bedford mk's and we used the APC to drag them out. Jai
I reckon I need a trip there too Jai, I got a few questions to ask you about the odd leak. Not me, the truck!!
I think it would be a good time to organise meeting times and points for those that are going up Friday. I assume we'll be going up during the morning so we can get set up. I'm thinking 10 maybe 10:30 latest not sure how you guys work with early, but I'm generally up at 5 anyway.
For me the earlier the better I may be comming home early Sunday Midday to get to Burton Dasset for a Scale 4x4 RC thing (how Sad) Jai
I was planning to meet you guys somewhere on the M1 at a services or something.... But the next services i would come to is past the M69 after i join the M1
I think it would be a good time to organise meeting times and points for those that are going up Friday. I assume we'll be going up during the morning so we can get set up. I'm thinking 10 maybe 10:30 latest not sure how you guys work with early, but I'm generally up at 5 anyway.

Screwy, as I understood it, we were meeting up at about 8:30 and being gone by 9:00. The journey is roughly 130miles and I would think drive time will be about 2hours 30min. So assuming away by 9:00, arrive by midday, set up camp, say 1:00 go have a nose round and take it from there.

I will go get the other half, leave about 4:30ish and its' about 1 hour 45min each way so should be back by 8:00 assuming everything falls into place. On Sunday, I will have to bail probably about 3:00. BTW I had a look at the weather forecast and it looks good, but I'll believe that when I see it.
I think Max wants to come up on Friday too now. I'll confirm that though.

I'm driving up Saturday morning. will leave at 6.00. Somewhere between 3 - 4 hours for me to get there.
I'll bail about 3.00 on Sunday too.
I think it would be a good time to organise meeting times and points for those that are going up Friday. I assume we'll be going up during the morning so we can get set up. I'm thinking 10 maybe 10:30 latest not sure how you guys work with early, but I'm generally up at 5 anyway.

We had arranged but not sure if its changed to meet at 8.30 as kev said.
So for those that are going friday if we meet at tesco's at 8.30 ish anyone can run in and grab some bits if needed but we can set off just gone 9am when the traffic starts to die down jump straight on m1 at j11 and away we go.

B3aker where are you gonna join m1? Is it j19 if so there are the services at about j21 we can meet you there if you like say around 10.15 if you are not joining there let us know and we can arrange other plans
Ok cool 8.30 is good for me, I assume the 24 hour one in dunstable?? I won't be staying too long Sunday either.
B3aker where are you gonna join m1? Is it j19 if so there are the services at about j21 we can meet you there if you like say around 10.15 if you are not joining there let us know and we can arrange other plans

I shall be joining at J19, Didn't know there was a services at J21. :doh:
Hi am new to the forum just got landy 90 pickup looking for some where to go in co/durhan

Hi TNT and welcome to the forum. Your best bet is to post a new thread in the Green Laning section asking about green laners in co durham. Most of us are a little closer to london on this thread so unless you want to drive a long way first... :)


Just thought of another point that you should be aware of ....

If you do the Houndkirk Road (You must, it's great!!) don't be tempted to play when roughly halfway along you see where some numpties have gone off-piste ... the locals are aware of it and will report you to plod, who ARE being strict ... a section 59 is not a nice thing to have, I guess. Same for the rest of the lanes really, they're having a bit of a clamp-down so just be aware and careful.

Not trying to preach or teach anyone to suck eggs, or suggesting you will go off-track, just a 'heads-up' ... ;)
yup,....already know this and have reported folk to plod myself when i have seen them at it.......don't wish to get a load of abuse for this but i hate folk who try to ruin my favourite hobby in my backyard

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