Was planning to give the motor a once over tomorrow but it seems I have been invited to the Land Rover Experience place at MK for a day out learning the ropes. Not something I am likely to do for myself so can't miss this opportunity! Really looking forward to it to be honest
Sorry Lads, definitely can't join you, but got a decent reason ...

Got a date for an MRI scan for this Saturday morning, so we're putting off what we were going to do Saturday 'till Sunday so haven't any of the weekend free now!

I had an accident down t'pit many years ago and bust my neck a bit ... 30 years on and it's getting to be a problem as apparently my neck never healed and when I've been getting pains in the neck as I crick it, it's apparently been breaking again!! The vetebrae that fractured never healed or knitted properly, just developed a calcium layer, which broke again and developed another layer etc etc, and now it's at the point where it's pinching the spinal column nerves and I'm occasionally in abject agony ... ;

The little wing bits that stick out of the bony bits have broken off from three vertebrae and are now about 1/2" from where they should be, which is also causing me some issues! Hopefully I'm supposed to be getting an email with a copy of the X-ray, which is a corker, but only seen it in docs surgery yet, not in my email box ...

Sounds worse than it is, but it's still feckin' painful!!

Oh ... and they haven't worked out how they can fix it, hence the full-on MRI, 'cos I also broke some of the bones at the base of my back, so they don't know if it's the neck end or bum end of my backbone that's causing the real problems.

So it's fairly important I don't miss this particular appointment, rather than laning ... ;)

Jesus you don't do things in halves do you! Best of luck with the scan and don't forget to send in a letter of absense from your mother.
DB mentioned earlier in the fred about getting numbers together of everyone going. As he is now not going, has anyone else picked this up? Or would you all like to PM me, and I can distribute the list before tomorrow?
Jesus you don't do things in halves do you! Best of luck with the scan and don't forget to send in a letter of absense from your mother.

LOL, it's mums 70th birthday on the Saturday, so it was this and the ensuing celebrations we thought would stop me coming the whole weekend, but that I would hopefully be able to pop over Saturday. Now the MRI has come up it takes precedence, so everything from Saturday is now being done on Sunday as the scan takes up to 4 hours, they said!

Hey-ho, it's all good though, at least we'll be getting somewhere instead of the problems I've been having with my neck for all these years!
OK Lady Luck has deserted me.

Kai and I are going to have to miss out on this weekend. Unfortunately a client who was supposed to transfer some money into my account has failed to do so. This has left me a few hundred quid lighter than expected... (fuel money!), Rent has to take precedence so sorry ''n' all that but we're going to be restricted to a whaddon visit on sunday.

Good luck to all of you and don't break anything (too badly;))
important please read all route planners

went out on reccy mission yesterday for all you guys coming up,.....here are the findings of my little jaunt out.

tenter hill ( south of buxton) still has tro on it -grid ref. 05/67
millers dale has a tro on it from south end,......couldnt find anything from east end grid ref. 14/73
lane just to east of monsal dale ( dale farm ) grid ref. 19/72 is very very tight. makes you feel like david bellamy cos of the hedge coming in your cab or you could try persuading the wall to move a bit if you like mind over matter.

roych clough is ok up until the steps just past the brooks..... first step is tall with nice sticky out bit just in line for diff casings. much evidence of rubber burning and diff scrapeage/ smashage. would be possible if lift kit/ lockers fitted or single vehicle went to other end and pulled others up on waffle boards - not something i would normally advocate but will make lane passable without causing damage to vehicles or lane and as you guys are coming so far it would be a shame to miss out on this jewel in the peak district.

agnes meadow near kniveton /altlow has tro's on them - north east of ashbourne

tissington ford has enough water in it to make it worth the trip out that way and has a cracking lane going up the hill on the other side of the road. grid ref 20/52

didn't pull in stanage edge or any other trickies as i was on my own but monsal is well worth the drive as are most of the lanes i drove.

one word of warning though,.....keep to the speed limits through the villages and keep a watchful eye out for bikes ( both motorised and pedal variety ). matlock bath is the motorcycle capital of the world and a lot of lads use the peak distict at the weekends regularly going up to the cat and fiddle near buxton. pc badger also likes to get his chopper up at the weekends to keep a watchful eye on all naughtyness so just cos you don't see any jam sandwiches there may be flying pigs about.
Toronaga sama,

Much appreciated, We will stick to the speed limits anyone that doesn't deserves to get a nick. I will get up there early tomorrow morning all things being well and grab some maps and do some recces first thing hopefully. Jai
Carpy just to let you know it said rain earlier on the news but then the online weather says its great so I am none the wiser. You could unbolt it when you get there tho
So, game on then! Don't ask how much it just cost me to fill the Rangie, I think I've got most things covered. It's been one of those days and I've not had me dinner yet so will probably have a bit of a lie in tomorrow. I'll keep an ear out on CH6 I'm sure I will catch you all up.

Toronaga Sama thanks for the heads up, Paul D sorry to hear it fella- maybe some other time eh, hope it all goes well and they can sort you out.

Looking forward to a great weekend laning see ya'll soon.
right will update on here tomorrow afternoon, if i can sort the wet hub then its game on for me also as she is running sweet as a nut on all other fronts
right, a bump for this thread as everyone starts getting home

brett, thats my local spares place, im in there all the time!

many thanks to all you guys on a great trip, adams chucked some photo's onto facebook already, i will get mine up asap
Thanks for a great weekend guys!
No major damage and no one stuck, Good weekend.

I shall chuck them all onto Photobucket tomorrow, Tinternet not being very quick this evening.

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