YO DB!!! Where you bin hidin' ?

A bit of laning early New Years sounds like a fine plan. I'm up in N.Wales as of 30 December but should be back 1st/2nd Jan. If I don't do any damage and manage to get the Rangie back home I suspect I'll be out to play; so I'm afraid for now I'm just a definate possibility of a maybe.

YO DB!!! Where you bin hidin' ?

A bit of laning early New Years sounds like a fine plan. I'm up in N.Wales as of 30 December but should be back 1st/2nd Jan. If I don't do any damage and manage to get the Rangie back home I suspect I'll be out to play; so I'm afraid for now I'm just a definate possibility of a maybe.


Thats good enuf for me mate!
I will be there Discobasher, been a while mate how you been. Family ok and that.
Be good to see you and Roland, you up for a christmas drink somewhere?
I will be there Discobasher, been a while mate how you been. Family ok and that.
Be good to see you and Roland, you up for a christmas drink somewhere?

Good stuff mate. Me and family are good thanks. I have been working so many hours I have forgotten what its like to have fun!
Could be up for a xmas drink. txt me and we can sort it from there.:D
Good stuff mate. Me and family are good thanks. I have been working so many hours I have forgotten what its like to have fun!
Could be up for a xmas drink. txt me and we can sort it from there.:D

Yeah will do mate, be good to see you lot and do some lanes. has been a while. I have been up in Suffolk all weekend snow is bad up there done a few lanes got stuck :D was a good weekend. You not done many lanes then mate of late.
add me to the list too.

Jai landrover,
Classic Kev?
Kris 300tdi
yeah think i might go out and do abit of the recovery and rescue work later!! ;) LOL
as we have just had one hell of a downpour in potters bar and thankfully no gritters have been out. :D
Buster (kyle)
Its coming down quickly here, everyone seems to make it through though. Seemed to have missed most of the heavy stuff.
Its been coming down heavily for well over an hour now, going to be an interesting evening, heading off out after some dinner. If the landy will start that is.....
just had a look theres got to be well over an inch on my landy bonnet and that was clear before it started! gonna go out in 10 mins or so to see whats about
Tonights efforts:


I managed to get him so far but all momentum was lost cos some silly BMW driver was in me way. TWOT! Some Rangie with Broncos turned up and decided he wanted a go. He was boasting about ARB lockers (not my cuppa tea) and got out his best lifting strop I then decided to leave him and his mate to it. Fair do's to him he got it moving again but It became apparant that I value my driveshafts and drivetrain way more than him! My MOT tyres are lets say not all that great in the snow and ice or anything but hot sticky tarmac!

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