He is the bloke in the reflective jacket and his 110 is in front of the Tesco lorry :)

that be the one, buggers didnt get the actual problem, 1hgv across the road behind the tesco lorry, meaning tesco lorry had to try getting up that hill, a tnt lorry behind it, who had slid there and couldnt reverse back, the tesco lorry tried to get up and slid back into the tnt lorry. and on top of that there were 3 more lorries nehind the tnt lorry as well, was like a lorry graveyard. managed to pull them all this way and that by about 5am, by which time i was called out by the police to help them on the -Marlow hill which also features.

Bloody madness

Hahahhahaha, Carpy you are a legend :D Also loved the Gaylander in a ditch, and they still don't get why we call them Gaylanders :p

Merry Christmas Leonberger, and everyone else too :5bparty:

i rescued a couple of gaylanders, including one in a ditch, and explained why it is i called them gaylanders. One bloke had a right go at me when i called it that, so i left him in said ditch muttering quite angrily - this was in the night, was still there following afternoon
i rescued a couple of gaylanders, including one in a ditch, and explained why it is i called them gaylanders. One bloke had a right go at me when i called it that, so i left him in said ditch muttering quite angrily - this was in the night, was still there following afternoon

He was probably a real homosexual (I hear they like Freelanders), and he thought you were some kind of glow in the dark Nazi Homophobe..

is that you talking the tow at 4.32?The geezer at 4.17 didnt do rangy drivers any favors!

thats the one, the one i am about to go to now though may take the biscuit, check out "calling international landyzone rescue" fred in off topic
Hiya Carpy phoned me earlier but I was doing the last min shopping tasks needed and looking after a mate thats in a bit of trouble.
That's what xmas eve is for!! :eek:

Carpy....just out of interest, what Rope/Strop & what ratings of shackles etc did you use when pulling the arctic?

I can confirm shackle rating tomorrow if you like, its a bloody big one though. The rope is 12 ton rated - i have a 20 ton at home, but given the artic itself was contributing some drive i worked out the 12 ton would suffice. and in fairness it has indeed managed brilliantly on a number of occasions with HGV's now, as has the shackle. I would assume the shackle is 6 1/2 ton 7 8 pin but i can confirm if you like

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