Well I went up there in the works van, got as far as the first wet patch deep ish ruts and then walked the rest not that bad at all deep ruts but dry. Had to do my Austin powers impression turning around and then left I think I missed you guys by 2 mins cos I heared some engines as I drove up but never caught up Doh! Jai
im up for it weds eve mate, im in ipswich til about 4pm so can hack across country and meet up there, can someone send me the correct details for me sat nav though
Baldrick! I'm Bllloooody annoyed.

Steppingly lane has been resurfaced from one end to the other. No entertaining little mud dip at the bottom, no little mud run at the top, and where the mud run used toi be a huge swathe of trees have been felled to make an access route... and I am sure we all know who is to blame!

OK so we knew something was coming but I really hoped they would leave the lane alone. Looks like it will be another tarmacked road before very long.
I'd be up for wed night too if that's ok?
sounds good, im in ipswich til about 4ish i think, so can hack across to meet you guys. i'll leave the series at home though and bring the disco as ive got a long round trip and the series can be a little tiring on the motorway, can i pm my number over to you or one of you guys pm me your numbers so we can meet up, what sort of time works??

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