Damn I am tempted. Turns out I could probably have done at least some of yesterday morning as Claire's dad just went home in the morning after saying he would stay 'til lunchtime.
Me and a mate have been out and about trying to find local lanes for the past week or so. So far we have been a bit dissapointed by how relatively easy and flat they all are.

We did Steppingley and it was ok. Is Harlington any good?

Me and a mate have been out and about trying to find local lanes for the past week or so. So far we have been a bit dissapointed by how relatively easy and flat they all are.

We did Steppingley and it was ok. Is Harlington any good?


Greenlanes should all be drivable in a Land Rover, certainly in our area. If they're not you shouldn't be driving them as you're likely to be destroying them. The councils have been doing a lot of resurfacing recently, which in my view is detrimental to the use that the lanes get, in that it encourages flytipping and burnt out cars. If they'd keep them unsurfaced, these morons couldn't get access to them.

If you want extreme, Derbyshire peaks is the place, we did it this Summer and it's fantastic.

Harlington is a really nice lane, but it get used by the local farmer in all weather. It can get tractor sized ruts, which when dry are OK, but when wet, you're in a world of pain. It's Summer use only, so closes on Thursday. Seeing as it's been dry for weeks, I'm going to give it a go.
Greenlanes should all be drivable in a Land Rover, certainly in our area. If they're not you shouldn't be driving them as you're likely to be destroying them. The councils have been doing a lot of resurfacing recently, which in my view is detrimental to the use that the lanes get, in that it encourages flytipping and burnt out cars. If they'd keep them unsurfaced, these morons couldn't get access to them.

If you want extreme, Derbyshire peaks is the place, we did it this Summer and it's fantastic.

Harlington is a really nice lane, but it get used by the local farmer in all weather. It can get tractor sized ruts, which when dry are OK, but when wet, you're in a world of pain. It's Summer use only, so closes on Thursday. Seeing as it's been dry for weeks, I'm going to give it a go.

Thanks for the info mate. Will probably have a go at Harlington then. Which end do you suggest to go at it from?
Are the santa Pod and Grafham worth the drive upto?
Thanks for the info mate. Will probably have a go at Harlington then. Which end do you suggest to go at it from?
Are the santa Pod and Grafham worth the drive upto?
They're definately worth the drive, but you've have to do it before Thursday, as they then close till May.

Harlington from the south. So it's uphill. It gets progressively harder the further up the lane, so if you came in from the top recovery would be really hard.
Anyone fancy a trip to Wales at some point before Christmas? A bit like we did in Derbyshire?
But getting a B&B insted of camping.
Wales sounds great. Although I am skint beyond belief. So I need to get my money sorted out first. I have driven past harlington had a peek yesterday on my way back from Cambridge, it looks like ground conditions are good dry shouldnt be a problem for anyone.

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