Hi Guys,

Anybody planning to go out today that wouldn't mind showing me round some local lanes today?

Bit short notice. Most people on here make plans to go out. A lot of lanes in bedfordshire are closed for the winter. We may be out somewhere next weekend. Keep an eye on here.


The 109 has just broken down again.

It started making a strange noise coming home on the A41 at what sounded like wheel speed. Coming down the off ramp there was a bang and a sound like bolts in a blender. Its got drive, but its struggling to move and making a right old racket when it does. There seemed to be some steam coming from the right rear wheel, so I'm thinking possibly a bearing gone.



The 109 has just broken down again.

It started making a strange noise coming home on the A41 at what sounded like wheel speed. Coming down the off ramp there was a bang and a sound like bolts in a blender. Its got drive, but its struggling to move and making a right old racket when it does. There seemed to be some steam coming from the right rear wheel, so I'm thinking possibly a bearing gone.


Where are you? Are you ok for getting home?
Jcuk you all sorted or can we

Cheers, I'm at home now. It was only down in Tring, so my Mrs came an picked me up. I called the recovery people and they're going to take it to the old dairy garage tomorrow.

I went back down to put a note and warning triangle on it and it absolutely stinks of EP90, so defiantly something going on axle or GBox wise.

If you need a rear diff I have plenty just got another 2 yesterday if it will help I can drop one of them off at old dairy first thing as I'm driving past just in case its that as they will charge an arm and a leg for a S/h one i would have thought even got a new gasket here. If it helps you out and save some dosh no problem your a Herts laners veteran!

Thanks jai. Ill bear that in mind and wait until they take a look at it. Hopefully it'll be something simple they can sort out.
Hey folks, picking up a Subaru forester at the weekend and visiting family down in cambs for a week.. Let me know who wants to meet up for a pint! Maybe even some very very soft roading :D
One of you should know this
My disco has a dodgy front prop UJ its the gearbox end so its the double jointed UJ
So the question is
is there somewhere local where I can get one or is it a main dealer part I'm hoping to get it sorted by the end of the week
Double Cardon prop?? Not ever done one tbh You could always ring Bill Autoland see what he siggests he may be able to price up a rebuild or get parts to do it. Failing that its a replacement. Not sure how much it will be from autoland but certainly a fair bit more than a parts supplier but Bill is sound

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