The nationals are asking for Teams for the tug of war the Supplimentry Regulations.
1. Penalties will be awarded at the discretion of the CoC
2. The best of 3 tuggings will decide the winner.
3. A toss shall decide which end gets tugged first, those that cant be bothered will not give a toss.
4. Wolves dressed in sheeps attire are prohibited.
5. Mutton dressed as lamb is prohibited.
6. Pedicare and oral hygiene precautions must be taken, the last outbreak caused cancellation of ALRC National Rally 2001(Do your research)
7. The Black spot must not be passed to any member of the opposing team
8. X will not mark the spot.
9a. Tyre Rule. Wooden legs and cloven feet will be deemed as giving extra grip, so footwear must be worn with no open tread, blocks or studs.
10. Buccaneers should be protected by appropriate buccanheadwear.
11. Black sheep must not be discriminated against.
12. Cutlasses should present no sharp edges.
13. There will be no tugging off the driven line or looping out.
14. All pirates must behave in an inappropriate manner and talk like Robert Newton. (Do your research)
14. All Welsh team members must wear raddles, (Do your research) evidence of misbehaviour will be monitored the following morning.
15. Dagging will be allowed for hygiene purposes.
16. Sheepdogs are baaarrred.
17. Pirate anchor-men will be searched for evidence of illegal anchors.
These rules will be added to and made up as and when I can think of something.