Sible all about setup, I cannot say I'm an expert at all poor at best welder but I can spot a good weld. Although not great at welding by any means. I seem to be better than some that Claim wrongly that they can indeed weld!

I think you have to be very careful and check their actual work before believing people well thats my experience anyway.

A qualified welder city n guilds level 3 blah blah working as a welder couldn't attach a repair panel to my astra infact my own er what can only be described at best was my very poor attempt was superior to the "Welder".

I'm indeed qualified to C and G level 1 but it means Jack all

My standards high and not easily reached but honestly I'm crap. Bodywork I don't mind playing chassis I'll entrust it to somone I know can weld to the standard I believe is req for chassis or structural work.
Sible all about setup, I cannot say I'm an expert at all poor at best welder but I can spot a good weld. Although not great at welding by any means. I seem to be better than some that Claim wrongly that they can indeed weld!

I think you have to be very careful and check their actual work before believing people well thats my experience anyway.

A qualified welder city n guilds level 3 blah blah working as a welder couldn't attach a repair panel to my astra infact my own er what can only be described at best was my very poor attempt was superior to the "Welder".

I'm indeed qualified to C and G level 1 but it means Jack all

My standards high and not easily reached but honestly I'm crap. Bodywork I don't mind playing chassis I'll entrust it to somone I know can weld to the standard I believe is req for chassis or structural work.

I will not be taking part in who is the best and who knows more as its irrevelent.
Was just suggesting a few help out Ryder to get him on the road :)
lol mis interpreted that,

i thought you wanted somone to help you play setup ur welder my point was find somone desent i.e not me someone who knows what theyre doinL cos i'm crap lol

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