Been working on the landy a bit, thinking of making a thread for it. Here's my drawer in the back. Note the lazy ball of fluff in the bottom right :lol::lol:

Hi Ash,

Yes no problem. Plenty of parking spaces. Rangy boys are laying out should be a goodun! As its an insured/comp thingy there is no driving about unfortunatly but worth a look if your in the area
Spent several hours out there working on the landy but not a huge amount to show for it. All a bit frustating but I think it will be mostly finished tomorrow. I bought the ply last year and haven't managed to get round to fitting it until these last couple of days and found out it wasn't cut anywhere near accurately :mad: Spent most of today putting it all right. Will upload some more pics to the thread later.
You beat me to it was gonna offer to collect them if you couldn't make it lol

lol cheers for the offer mate but i'll be seeing you there,i've finally got time of work which luckily turns out to be the night of the pub meet.

anyone know a good place to buy brake copper piping because i'm renewing the whole lot on my disco.
Don't know if Webbs Do them
Bennets Hitchin
Wheels in hitchin might do piping

I know Shefford Auto in Shefford Now Known as Luton Motor Factors made a pipe up for me when i accidently cut through the rear one on the Freelander I had
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Bit's and bobs when i got it the seat squabs pads whatever you call them had gone it was 3 large bits of foam,

A mate was scrapping an XR3i so the seats are in the series just the brakes I might just replace the cylinder on the master thingy Holds the break fluid, looks manky, If I take my foot of the accelerator it stops instantly It starts and moves I move it up and down the garden once a week if i can

replaced the seat belts Drivers side is from a Sherpa van I had, passengers side gonna have to get another one from somewhere as the casing was all broke.

The engine stop thing you pull to stop the engine broke so I had an old Morris Thousand the wiper switch was the same so that is on there
so you could say it's a 1970 Bitsa lol
and took that Silly Defender grill that someone put on it (silly as look horribl on the series got the original mesh grill on it now

have got some pics somewhere i'll put them in a gllery if you want
Just Recieved confirmation of the booking form for the nationals. I guess we're off in May to play RTV the 90!
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Good luck Jai :D:D

Spent forever helping clear up the house today (were thinking of moving) so not much time for the landy. Just got in been working on it in the dark. Its coming along slowly but surely, starting to take shape which is exciting.

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