have got some pics somewhere i'll put them in a gllery if you want[/quote]

yeah please mate i wouldn't mind seeing it,it might encourage me to get one.
Haha got to work today at 8 and went off doing deliveries till 11. Got back and my boss came up to me and asked if I wanted to go home early!!! Can you believe it lol!! So I've been working on the landy since midday and got a lot done. Its now a level floor just gonna carpet the plywood and it will be nice and cosy too! Need to fit dog guard, heater (and box for it), cooker housing, awning and hopefully a water tank. Won't be too long now till I get my muds on these wolf rims and I'm all set for Wales! Can't wait :D:D
You beat me to it was gonna offer to collect them if you couldn't make it lol

lol cheers for the offer mate but i'll be seeing you there,i've finally got time of work which luckily turns out to be the night of the pub meet.

anyone know a good place to buy brake copper piping because i'm renewing the whole lot on my disco.
I use Milehams in Katherine drive... they are well priced and make them up for you while you wait.
Also have a pass for Sunday Trial at Brickhill if I can get the mota together/comp legal in time.

Jai, have you got an address for this? Was planning to goto Whaddon on Sunday, so may pop along to see what it's all about (assume it's ok to just show up to spectate).
Hi Guys & Gals
Offered to pick bits up for offroader84 at next pub meet luckly he is gonna be there. chatting with me mum on phone last night and had forgotten for a family do I ain't gonna be able to make it:(:(, Any one got a New Brain I can by:D:D

Offroader84 pm sent
Landroverjack pm sent
spoken to the boys.,.. seems they really want to go to whaddon since Kai hasnt driven in months,,,

on a seperate note,,,, someone round here is giving away 20 odd scaffold poles... any good to anyone? Thought they might come in useful for some project or other.
Alright Ryder? Bugger, if I had been local I'd have snapped those up! Surprised they dont just weigh them in rather than giving them away!
spoken to the boys.,.. seems they really want to go to whaddon since Kai hasnt driven in months,,,

on a seperate note,,,, someone round here is giving away 20 odd scaffold poles... any good to anyone? Thought they might come in useful for some project or other.

Do you know how long they are? I could use 2 of them!
Landy1uk i did see you but only at the last min i was miles away ..

disco looks much better with the lower bumper bit cut off.
Landy1uk i did see you but only at the last min i was miles away ..

disco looks much better with the lower bumper bit cut off.
Hello Ash
I was behind you then there was that thing in the back of my mind that I reconised the car. that's why at the traffic lights i did the double take.
Cheers it does and it actually feels abit quicker as the amount of plastic creatin wind barries behind bumper and in front of wheel have now gone,
Before i cut the bumper I wasn't sure what or how it would look, I had to go get some bits from the shops and as I was walking back where I and caught the valence at aldermasteon the Front fog light was bent back and the bottom of the valence was all cracked and as I was walking bact to the car it lookd Crap, so when I got home out came the haksaw.
and i have a steering guard that I pick up at the end of the month:D:D
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Jai... they are 21 foot and there are 41 of them. I ahve asked that we be allowed to collect them so as soon as I get a reply I will let you guys know.

Anyone else at Whaddon tomorrow? Just in case I need a tug?
Ryder 1 should do if i can still have it :D how am I gonna cut it in half? :eek: Thinking of using for my awning so I won't need any poles stuck in the ground.

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