they are sensible LOL well except after a few beers.
When we lane we never go off the byways & drive very considerably towards the enviroment. Well as considerate as you can be in a V8!!

My PDA has gonr tits up! trust ACER Not!

Will be working out a plan of action i.e where to camp/hotel mainly dependant on group size and who wants to camp or hotel it.

I have PAS that does not leak however I have a bastid of a drop arm so am waiting on a puller failing that I'll be looking at making some kind of hydraulic contraption.

Mounted my new shovel to the front wing today aswell all fun and games.

Quick note for the trip on the weekend I'll have a couple of passengers and therefore an extra tent. Thought I'd mention it in advance of bookings etc

My PDA has gonr tits up! trust ACER Not!

Will be working out a plan of action i.e where to camp/hotel mainly dependant on group size and who wants to camp or hotel it.

I have PAS that does not leak however I have a bastid of a drop arm so am waiting on a puller failing that I'll be looking at making some kind of hydraulic contraption.

Mounted my new shovel to the front wing today aswell all fun and games.

I'm pretty easy :D I also don't mind where we stay, kind of looking forward to camping, although, I am going camping the next weekend too.. :rolleyes: So you guys choose accomodations...

I want to mount my axe on the outside above the rear door, or are there laws against that ?? I just know that one day when I am rolling down a mountain, I'll want the axe on the outside :D

Kris banged up some wicked speaker brackets for me today, I know speaker brackets are not normally that exciting, but wait till you see these babies.... next trick, to turn my 90 into a camper wagon ;)
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I would have thought Lane Drover would be the best one to ask about that axe on the outside thing. PM him!

I know it's cheeky but...

Are you about at all this week? I have a thick piece of steel that is going to need three holed drilled into it and I just don't have adrill man enough for the job. I though maybe if we popped down one afternoon/evening...
Whats Wrong withi th eplanet today Everyone I've met have been in a right arsey mood. (wasnt drunk last night shouldn't have said anything to upset anyone) Every fooker seems in a state of depression and arseyness!
Whats Wrong withi th eplanet today Everyone I've met have been in a right arsey mood. (wasnt drunk last night shouldn't have said anything to upset anyone) Every fooker seems in a state of depression and arseyness!

I'm chilled out and happy :D I'll be in a great mood till tomorrow morning when I meet my first school mom on the road :mad2:
2 epic fails from the Red route mud run at Yarwell today.:D:D:D

I thought about having a go, but didn't fancy driving home with wet pants.


I don't know what was stopping them:confused: the Green route was right next to it, absolutely no problem just shallower. The back ends of the Defenders were floating a bit, but the white one was in their to ages and was full of water and still had the engine running. Challenge truck pulled them out easily.

If it wasn't so far from home and I was on my own, otherwise I would have had a go.
Hey Adam, Do we have a departure point/time ? I need to organise the dog sitter...

Not as yet, But it will be Saturday morning, In Cambridgeshire somewhere! :D

Meeting up with Jai tomorrow to sort route's, meeting place, and Camping arrangements out. And maybe a couple of beers.

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