i have a front to fit.

i will have to use tree rigging to pull out backwards but have plenty of pulleys etc,....

full recovery kit required then....i see.

will be there next week for work and will do the odd weekend session no doubt.
Like Jai says, it's one of those lanes that one day it's fine, nice easy drive, yet the next time you can be in a world of pain.
like that here.if its wet yer fooked.ive been across the moor day after day then on a day after light rain got stuck as fook and had to go get tractor to pull out my old series....

i understand.
bare me in mind recovery mission is always fun but I've got loads to get done before our camping trip.

Ditto,I too have much to do before the camping trip, but if you are making a night of it, I can always bring my recovery essentials, ie cooker, kettle, tea & coffee, fridge, winch, many spotlights :D
BOB u up this way then?

Could do an extra pub meet/laning trip if your about

yep.got work in your patch for the winter this year........:D:D

ill be kicking about.might beat the wagon a bit at weekends.....:)

there is a tractor at work i could nick if i get stuck laneing on me own but must remember mtb recovery to get ta tratter.ha ha ha :D
Ditto,I too have much to do before the camping trip, but if you are making a night of it, I can always bring my recovery essentials, ie cooker, kettle, tea & coffee, fridge, winch, many spotlights :D
You forgot Ryder is coming, a Chinook would be handy.:D
Sorry to spoil all your fun but i think there is one vital point your all missing the lane has been closed for a reason its been resurfaced!!!:doh:
Ah... resurfaced eh

That puts things in a new light... I might actually get from one end to t'other!

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