There's some rain forecast, but I'm still up for doing a BBQ after roundhil. Who's coming so I can get an idea of number for the stuff?

I'm sorry but I can't come afterwards, as soon as I'm done at Roundhill it's back home and off to Florence to work.
It's great! Missing the laning though, and the landy is going in for its MOT soon.. fingers crossed. It doesn't get dark here now, still a fairly bright blue sky most nights... Might post another picture or two soon to keep you all jealous :D :D
Ok, I've had a bit of a rethink. The weather forecast is still saying it will be peeing down all day Saturday so I think I'm going to give the BBQ a miss.
Hopefully weather will be better for next time.
I'll get ready to send you some bushes for your MOT! Hehe can't believe you still havent done them since 2 years ago

I am confused which ones I need, I have LH and RH thread track rod ends but a friend of mine up here reckons they are not the right parts? Can I get away with just ordering the rubber part or do I need a whole joint? If so what part no?
Jack you need radius arm bushes front defo plus you need a press or a friendly mechanic with a press!!! Just ask paddocks for a bush set and bolts incase the bolts are screwed.They will also do track rod ends aswell I think theyre only a few quid each and they will supply a full set for your motor.
Come on then Spyderman how did you get on??

I managed to fit my side locker 80% a bit of interior trim interior light and some ods and ends
I know Mark is ****ed orf today because he was planning on coming today and then doikng Mud Monsters tomorrow. But yesterday his landy wouldnt start so he bump started off his driveway and the rear main oil seal went kaput ****ing oil everywhere so he's not out all weekend
Jack you need radius arm bushes front defo plus you need a press or a friendly mechanic with a press!!! Just ask paddocks for a bush set and bolts incase the bolts are screwed.They will also do track rod ends aswell I think theyre only a few quid each and they will supply a full set for your motor.

Ah again I embarrass myself, thinking it was a track rod not a radius arm I need the bush for.. :eek:

Come on then Spyderman how did you get on??

I managed to fit my side locker 80% a bit of interior trim interior light and some ods and ends

Pics ! :D
I wanted somwhere to carry spare parts and general tools. Will get my spare alternator and waterpump wheelbearing set in there in sealed bags aswell as my jack general tools and maybe my winch bag with a squeeze. Leaves one of my ammo boxes free in the back

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