Hello All

Hope all are well. Played the ol engine out and back in game last weekend to change the clutch, hoping it was a great success....... Had the in laws up and went camping the latter half of the week so that put pay to getting it finished. Thank you Jai for your advice :D

On another note, Best place to get coolant system hoses from? Couple of mine look on their last leggs....

Cheers, and hopefully see you all soon somewhere..

Beaker why didn't you say it was you!! LOL Andy was **** taking alot on the phone

I could hear in the background!

I'm nearly there, Just need to get all the pipe work back together and the electrickery plugged back in.

Then its MOT and Tax and i shall be back on the road again.

assuming i dont get screwed over at work again. and have one day off every three weeks! :eek:
Where do you lot play in hearts as over here in Oxfordshire there is not much othere than what's near Abingdon.
Evening guys,

I'm from MK and very need to Greenlaning (had my first bout of it @ the weekend in the lake district) but am eager to look into some local lanes etc.
Do you meet on a regular basis and if so, are your usual trips suitable for a bog standard freelander? While I'm new to Greenlaning I'm a fairly adept and confident driver so no special treatment needed, but 4' deep fords and 12" ruts are probably a bit much for the car!

Look forward to meeting up with a few of you in the future.
Hi Dave landy

We hold a regular pub meet every first Wednesday of the month which the idea is to plan that month outings keep an eye on here I may well do a few one
Evening week after next as too much on at the
Moment. Freelander is fine for normal greenlaning
Get some recovery points front and rear and a decent
24 mm rope that's all we ask. More tjan welcome to
Tag along any time when
I'm out and about atb

Pub meet everyone welcome iN Dunstable the white lion from
Can't quite believe what I'm saying my 90 is pretty much ready for roundhill but a family thingy has come up and I may not make it
Gutted isn't the word!!!
I wish I have my verdestines ready for the rain!!

Something I really can't get out of unfortunately! Family who'd have them. Last night straight over there it's like an evening on Jeremy Kyle!!
There's some rain forecast, but I'm still up for doing a BBQ after roundhil. Who's coming so I can get an idea of number for the stuff?

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