'No Motor Vehicles Except For Access Sign'

What defines access on roads like these?
Can i drive them to 'access' whats on the other side? Can I drive down them to 'access' somewhere to.... take a photo? Can I drive them to 'access' the road/track its self?

Anyone ever run into issues on them??


It means what it says... you are not allowed to drive down that road unless it is to gain legal access to an ajoining property.

This is different to driving down a road that is marked on the map, but which sports a sign at one or both ends declaring that it is "unsuitable for vehicles".

Unsuitable for Vehicles signs are the councils way of letting us know where the decent lanes may be hiding. They are also generally rectangular which indicates that the sign is there to give us a warning

The No motor vehicle except for access sign will usually accompany a circular sign indicating that the instruction is an order (though not always).

If you are unsure check the council's definitive map. Sometimes people who live at the end of a small lane will put up a sign of their own without permission and it can take a long time to get it removed. Sometimes, if they are rich, or politically connected... then the sign will stay there simply to deter unwelcome motorists!
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Ryder, Thanks for clearing that up, good to know!
Where might I get hold of such a map?

You can't normally. You have to apply to see it, or ask if specific lanes are open/have TRO's on them .. Apply to the local council. Many councils have the DM on-line, or portions of it, often with a ROW plan so you can determine how 4x4 friendly they are .. or not!

If you do get to see it, and it's not always just a single map, it is acceptable to take an OS map with you and mark any tracks on it, you can't take direct copies of the DM or take it away!
Apply to the local council. Many councils have the DM on-line, or portions of it, often with a ROW plan so you can determine how 4x4 friendly they are .. or not!

Thanks for the info, if I get intouch with the council, exactly what should I ask to see?
From my experience with councils I'm likely to be fobbed off with some BS so if I sound like I know what I'm talking about then they might not...
Good luck when I phoned way back when they said that they can answer all my q over the phone Michelle Flynn was very helpful but she could not tell me much only confirmed that a couple of lanes I already knew we're legal we're indeed legal so her boss was to phone me back never happened. After many calls over the following week I get a resolution he was in and willing to answer y questions. I asked about some specific lanes some questionable and some that have been and were 100 % legal at that time confirmed by Michelle Flynn earlier in the week. After getting to talk to the man that could help me with my rights of way questions I was told that I should not drive any that I mentioned including those that were infact legal as he could not tell me their status other than one was a deffo no no but every other lane I should not drive. (this bit cracked me up) why would I want to drive the them anyway?

I said its my right and he suggested that I drive one surfaced Greenlane local to me.

I said that surely its his job to know what the status of the row are in my area and suggested that maybe he should look up his job title roles and responsibilities.

No more contact with him.

Lanes have been tro'd unjustly in many cases and the tro action has been misused to remove any Right to pass and repass an unsurfaced byway. Where we are there were keen walkers in charge of the row network and it's clear to anyone. Complaints will be ignored even the advisor to the government who advises the governmant of what to do regarding row in the whole country is elected and should be impartial is a keen supporter in another area which has openly said they wish to ban all vehicular row so I'm afraid your ****ing in the wind but good luck some councils are better than others beds were (might be different now) were absolutely poor dispite some of the staff being helpful but it came down to one person another way back when.
Oh they are a joke arn't they... Makes me wonder if they can't play by the book, why should we...!!

I called decorum brough council earlier and asked the question, I was refered to a quite impressive online map @ hertsdirect.org :

WebMaps on Hertsdirect.org

And asked to cross reference any routes on there with the list on here:

hertsdirect.org Permanent Traffic Regulation Orders (PTROs)

Only problem is the list says its permanent TRO's not temporary TRO's...!

I might go investigating some one evening, if I print off all the maps at least I can say I have made a concious effort to be legal, or I could drive away quickly :D
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Shame that Jai.

We only have a few Byways here in Doncaster, but the council know them, remove obstacles when they get reported and generally are reasonable. They've even replaced Byway signs at the start and end of some lanes .. ;)
That looks very tidy Brett!!

Been working on a few things with a friend of mine up here...


Someone's been having some fun up norf!

Jai! Got a few tools donated today and one or two look like they are tools for a milling machine. If that is the case then yer dad is welcome to have them cos they wouldbe no good to us!

However Kai has got a killer Arc welder to play with prior to it being sold! Sealey 210 XT... variable from 1.5 mm to 6 mm and about 300 quids worth!

Gotta give this a try out!
I have a few people interested but need to get it out and laid flat for photographing... currently have that scheduled for the weekend because we can't do it while the company is open for trading...

Need to emplor some muscle.... 1) to move the chassis and put it back after photos... 2) to llift the tub off the 109! Anyone game for a laugh?
This weekend is mega busy got the trialer to do and sort my 90 for its mot plus we have the series fanatic Kaz and Stu coming down from for a to visit and a catch up.

However I may be up for a trade if I possible I'll help you lift the chassis out and then back after photos if I can pinch you and Kai to lift my roof back on my 90 and then lift the plastic jelly mould (aka 1hp seagul powered isle of white or die Idea we had a while ago) dinghy on top of that.

Bret is screaming Die certain death!!!

Believe It or not I did some gardening today and found loads a stuff!!
On a plus side I "think" I have my diff pinning jig setup on the pillar drill spot on for doing A single m16 pin and bronze wear button

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