There are some pics on recon in my signature.

P.s I run with the rest of the fuel in my tank for a trials comp the weekend after! Twas a steep little climb tho!
Thanks for your help, will try and come down for the two days and give it a go just brought a sankey trailer so I can have the beers in tow.
Defender dog. We hold a monthly pub meet in Dunstable on the A5 every first Wednesday of the Month. White lion pub a5 chalk hill just before you hit the Leighton buzzard bypass everyone welcome Jai
Usually to catch up with everyone for a chat an talk landies over a pint were not a club just a group of landy fans gathering once a monh
Devils pit erm well you will enjoy yourself but it won't do your motor much good whaddon is more forgiving as the mud does not destroy your seals like the mud at devils pit. Also personally whaddon is more fun devils pit ised to be full of iffy looking motors. It may be better now but you won't see me there in my own motor.
Anyone got a disco RRC or late defender front axle case going not for me but for a

Not sure but the guy who fitted my new con rod might still have one from a disco or defender he was breaking. I gave you his number i think

Can't polish a turd then, I will take your word for it, is Whaddon on this weekend?

Not this Sunday but probably next, you will find their website if you do a quick google search ;)
Decided to clean out my airbox today after last months trip to Whaddon. Was pretty shocking how much mud I sucked into it. Im a bit supprised so much mud got in even considering my airbox intake is at least waist high. I guess Ill be more carefully next time I go. Luckly the inside of the air filter was spotless so no mud/water made it though. :) Gave it a good wash out and fitted a new filter.



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