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message what i sent was:

Hi mate, if you hear of a front axle for Kai's motor do let me know. Doesn't need to be complete but the housing would be good. Already have a diff but if a 24 spline should become available all the better.
We don't wanna **** on your parade but you won't get a 24 spline 4.7 diff unless you build it yourself. Land rover never made a 24 spline diff for the rover axle for a series. It's possible that they made a few 3.5 for the stage 1 but them axles are hens teeth as are spares. Even the Env axles and salisburys are rare much less so than the satage 1 tho choice but cost alot and have their own issues mainly cost and availability of spares. You cant buy 24 spline shafts off the shelf never made but you can buy the shafts from the states but they are circa $2000 before import duty.

Basically there is no easy way to get a series axle strong without spending a fortune this is the main reason for me fitting a rrc axle to my offroader because the upgrade options are out there and relatively cheap ish.

Nothing wrong with a 10 spline anyway It's not the motor to be window deep in porridge spinning wheels up or jumping and landing with wheels spinning 10 spline will be fine if it's in good nick.
okaaaay... I'm guessing that ideas not a goer then

Anything is possible if you are prepared to throw enough money at it, if you want something , you'll always find someone that will make it, the price is the only sticking point.

I can do far more than my clients are prepared to pay, they know that, so it's a compromise.
11.30pm I think they were closed. What's the next herts laners outing then I still haven't got a motor but there must be something on I think there is a comp either this weekend or next with Anglian need to double check

I'm away for a week from this Sunday, back for 2 weeks, then away for a week, back for 2 weeks, then away for 2.5 weeks. Severe case of Holidayitis.

I'm doing Roundhill on the 1st April for sure.
It's part navigational part driving skill winching getting close to a punch that is put in an inaccessible place like in the middle of a deep hole filled with water.

You have. Punch card attached to a part of your motor and you must get close enough the the punches laid out to use them to punch/stamp your card as proof that you hav been there.

Ranges from easy to impossible the easy ones are sometimes harder than they look ask Diesel when we laid one out it looked very easy but took a few shunts and some welly to get to it.
Hello, can you tell me what a punch event is please, cheers.

You can work as part of a team too, helping each other to spot and get to the punches, also useful for getting Jai out of a hole when he's been too tight to put enough fuel in his Landy.

Like Jai says, there are some really easy ones to get to and some impossible ones, so suits everything from pretty standard motors to full on challenge trucks. Roundhill is a great site and Burnham Off-Roaders are a good bunch of blokes.

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