Honestly I can't say they look like they have decent side biters but until you see somone with them you really are in the dark. look like slightly more aggressive MTR's.

All the trials guys (max offroad grip) use 750 R16 or bigger Diamonds SAT's remoulds or insa's and I must say none of them run these other more expensive tyres maybe its the money the chance of trashing one is more likley than greenlaning or maybe its because they out perform them I think its probably a bit of both.
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The open parts or or lower recessed areas are not very wide close spacings between blocks I suspect they will be a good allrounder road offroad.
Theyre simex/insa/fedima/Malatesta good tyres noisey on road and i suspect the handling in the wet is interesting Offroad not much can beat them and how long they last is another matter. I have used tyre direct for pics as theyre local but 28x4 or whatever he calls himself now will chat about how great fedima tyres are to you all day long. I hate a sales pitch at the best of times but if what he is saying can be backed up then they last quite well cheapish and comp proven. I've not heard of any destroying themselves on the motorway unlike Bronco remoulds that always went bang!

Tyres direct may be cheaper but worth looking around. 28x4 goes to various comps which we sometimes attend but do search for a good price
Theyre simex/insa/fedima/Malatesta good tyres noisey on road and i suspect the handling in the wet is interesting Offroad not much can beat them and how long they last is another matter. I have used tyre direct for pics as theyre local but 28x4 or whatever he calls himself now will chat about how great fedima tyres are to you all day long. I hate a sales pitch at the best of times but if what he is saying can be backed up then they last quite well cheapish and comp proven. I've not heard of any destroying themselves on the motorway unlike Bronco remoulds that always went bang!

Tyres direct may be cheaper but worth looking around. 28x4 goes to various comps which we sometimes attend but do search for a good price

Ok thanks for all the information. Hope I make the right choice. Just don't want to spend a lot of money and be no better off than my ones.
All this said about aggressive offroad tyres greenlaning you shouldn't need anything too agressive or we shouldn't really be driving it. Its nice to be sure footed tho I do understand.
P.s Its my mission to get some of us Herts Laners out to next years comps/Fun days with Anglian LRC Anglian LRC - Home (Non damaging) Non ARC events and some arc events if people have legal motors.

Great way to improve driving skill, find terrain that WILL stop you and your motor and have a laugh.

No Spam here.

Thought I'd mention it as one of our local clubs and indeed most the clubs need a boost in membership and more people competing is always a laugh especially a group driving against one another.
Hi all I'm back looking at tyres. Been putting it off but after nearly sliding in a ditch I'm looking properly. Think i've got it down to either a cooper stt or a mickey Thomson mud tyre. Is anyone running either of these.where would I get the best price. Any feedback most welcome and I know it's always a problem what to buy but least I've narrowed it down!!!!!

I've had Coopers for a couple of months and I'm chuffed with them, much better than the AT's I had before. Got them from John Craddock
Here are a few videos from Yesterday.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX9VeXyY35M]MOV072 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNmDEFt6gsg]Green Lane jan 2012 3 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEd3q4rXj40]Green Lanes Jan 2012 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kKeQIjgj0E]Green Lanes Jan 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

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