The saga of the brakes continues...

I stripped down my leaking hub today which turned out to be leaking far worse than I thought. I changed the hub seal and replaced all the gaskets. I've got new shoes and drums on both sides, all adjusted and the pedal still goes to the floor.

I tried to bleed the back, but try as I might I couldn't more either of the bleed nipples. In the end I took off the slaves and tried to get them off with a socket. After rounding them off I managed to finally get them out by hammering on a 10mm socket and using a breaker bar. Supposedly the garage had bled the brakes a couple of months ago, but I don't think the nipples have been moved for years.

One of the slaves had a trace of fluid under the dust seal, I stripped it down and it ad a few bits of rubber floating round in it, so it looks like the seals are going. So its a new set of seals and a pair of bleed nipples is in order.

I'm not going to get the chance to sort this out before the pub meet, and my wife is going out that night too and needs the car, so I'm not sure if I'm going to make it :mad:
JCUK I may have a spare wheel cylinder or a pair of 11 inch kicking about if it gets you going? I have a couple on the 110 axle in the garden I'm sure one weeped and the other was ok. but again its S/h parts but your welcome to them I'll be replacing them if I am to re-use the axle.
JCUK I may have a spare wheel cylinder or a pair of 11 inch kicking about if it gets you going? I have a couple on the 110 axle in the garden I'm sure one weeped and the other was ok. but again its S/h parts but your welcome to them I'll be replacing them if I am to re-use the axle.
Cheers Jai. I think my cylinders are fine though. the bores are smooth with no scratches or signs of wear, so I would hope that new seals are all that's needed. I'm not going to have the time to look at it until next week anyway, so I'll get a set of seals and nipples and hopefully be on the road next weekend.
Anyone know what Violets Lane is likely to be like today? Depth/mud/suitability to drive?

Got a well sorted Disco with winch, recovery gear, big tyres, lift, snorkle etc
Spyderman I sent you a Pic message of your Parabolics Well the front pair anyhow. Been doing out riggers for the roll cage to MSA Specs and Man its a PITA! No wonder they charge serious money All this 6mm platework is never ending. Using the mig in the wind sucks but its getting there another 4 plates and one front side will be comp legal. Once I finish both sides (me thinks a couple of days needed)I gotta try and fit a 90 axle I just gotta try and get the 90 axle to my house and try and get it to clear all the suspension and mount up on leafs! The work I give myself but HeyHo it will be upgradable and no worries about breaking front shafts!

P.s Found out that my 80 inch has a very wide angle front propshaft which was quite nice to find!
Violets lane probably not too bad but you never know with Violets lane and Standon they often surprise us how deep they are even after no rainfall. Especially Standon
Violets lane probably not too bad but you never know with Violets lane and Standon they often surprise us how deep they are even after no rainfall. Especially Standon

Done Standon Ford once in my old 300TDi Disco.

By myself.


Never again! Had never done a deep water crossing again, water was over the bonnet and I was sure that I was floating at one point!

Going to head to VL in a bit I think and see what the crack is, if it looks too deep will do some byways instead I think :D

We have done a few recoverys I remember Ryder at Midnight in his Waders at violets lane when some cleaver person decided to bail out as it was too deep and drive up the watr run of only to get stuck!
Does anyone know if half moon lane at pepperstock is no longer in use for 4x4. I went up that way today and see the metal barriers were to narrow to get through.I should think a normal landrover may fit but im quite wide. think thats the right name for the lane.
Will need to check with the council however its divided into 2 different authorities but I think its open I can get through as can a std disco but anything with wide side steps or rock sliders that stick out cannot get through
Just got back from Violets Lane, mostly dry apart from one little section of mud about a car and a halfs length long, quite shallow aswell....didnt even touch the bottom of the wheel! Still managed to get it bloody dirty so a day spent cleaning tomorrow methinks :D


Anyone know what the little track that spurs off of the lane is for, something about the river and no entrance/exit on the sign - parked up and ventured down on foot but it seemed never ending. Obvious 4x4 activity there judging by the tyre tracks there, looked like Special Tracks :s

EDIT: Just looked on Streetmap and its the river!
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If it spurs off like Y at one end its where we extracted and Seriously bollocked a member because it was a water run off in flood and Totally illegal Locals have photographed us legally driving and if they were to find anyone driving tht spur would add to their catalogue or excuss why the longest ford in Europe should be closed. If I see anyone driving it I'd report them myself but I'm a C**T when it comes to blatent illegal driving. Its one thing to do it by accident but I have no time for anyone that ventures off piste. I've upset many that just wanted a laugh.
If it spurs off like Y at one end its where we extracted and Seriously bollocked a member because it was a water run off in flood and Totally illegal Locals have photographed us legally driving and if they were to find anyone driving tht spur would add to their catalogue or excuss why the longest ford in Europe should be closed. If I see anyone driving it I'd report them myself but I'm a C**T when it comes to blatent illegal driving. Its one thing to do it by accident but I have no time for anyone that ventures off piste. I've upset many that just wanted a laugh.

Totally agree with you there, I did notice a few places where obvious 4x4 activity, I was just being nosey to be honest and wasnt sure about the legality of driving it from the sign so parked up and walked down so far before I got tired and aborted! About halfway down theres a very very steep bank somethings tried getting up, you can see where they have lost traction near the top and spun.

Had there been 6 inches of water there today I would have thoroughly enjoyed myself but after hyping myself up from watching videos and seeing images I was a tad disappointed! My own fault I guess, although it was nice to do a new lane for a change!
Will need to check with the council however its divided into 2 different authorities but I think its open I can get through as can a std disco but anything with wide side steps or rock sliders that stick out cannot get through

Looked like people had gone round barriers as well but as well as been wide I'm high to. Found it to be a disadvantage on a lot of lanes but I bought it like it and now see why a lot of greenlaners run standard vehicles. If half moon barriers wer six inches wider I could get through

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