
SpitfireMK1... thanks for the advice. Have been seeing contradictory information of threads both from this forum historically and from others.

Info from gov site states, however, that once the vehicle is attached to the dolly it is no longer classed as a vehicle and instead qualifies as a trailer. that said, relevant trailer laws apply regarding max gross weight, and the fact that the gross train weight must not exceed x tonnes and the trailer weight must not exceed that of the towing vehicle...

It does state clearly though that the vehicle does not have to be taxed or tested...


My logical thinking does dictate that if the dolly is PURELY a recovery device... then why would it be recovering a vehicle that is not road legal?

That said... I have seen them used so bloody often that I would be quite willing to use it for short distances... running a few miles up the road I would have to be bloody unlucky to get jobsworth plod willing to take me to task... as long as I am not going halfway across the country I reckon I should be fine!
I should be up at the yard at the weekend... you're welcome to call in for a look - see and tell me what yer think!
Where does it say it does not need to be taxed because everything I read said that although its classified as a trailer. Any vehicle with a single wheel on the floor should indeed be taxed.
The final set of vids form roundhill woods:

Once again, apologies for the fingerprint induced soft focus.
This seems to sum up "A" frames pretty well.

'A' frames and Dollies
Q. What is a trailer?
A. A road vehicle, usually (but not necessarily) two wheeled, towed by a motor vehicle.Given the above dictionary definition, it is fairly clear that anything attached to the towball and having wheels in contact with the ground is a trailer. This includes cars on �A� frames and dollies. Bearing in mind that the unbraked towing limit of 750 kgs refers to Maximum Gross Weight (i.e. the figure on the towed cars VIN plate) and not to actual weight, it severely restricts the options!

There are strict regulations on braked trailers and, whilst a braked �A� frame attached to a towed car constitutes a braked trailer, it is not legal for transportation as it cannot comply with EC71/320. With car dollies, the situation is somewhat different. Under regulation 83 of the Road Vehicles (construction & Use) Regulations 1986 (SI.1986/107
Amending Regulations, a car dolly, with a car in place, will be considered as two trailers. This is legal for recovery but, under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (Schedule 6) the combination is limited to 40 mph on motorways and dual carriageways and 20 mph elsewhere.

Note that there is a very specific difference between recovery and transportation. Recovery is the removal of a broken down vehicle to a place of safety. It does not include removing a rotor arm (for instance) and travelling the length and breadth of the country. The police are well aware of the difference due to the regulations covering Tachographs and Operators Licences. Recovery vehicles are exempt.

Taking the above at face value the car being recovered is required to be legal in the first place. And you will get a different answer regarding the need to be taxed and tested on the dolly itself depending on what police force you ask. From talking to police traffic cops the situation is prosecute if the situation looks at all dodgy and let the CPS worry about it.

A situation I would rather avoid!

Bottom line is use a dolly for recovery of a legal vehicle or run the risk. They normally win.
Yo Ryder I got your txt but been so mentally busy at work not had time to reply how sad.

There is a comp weekend after next at roundhill woods more competitive and for std motors under AROC regs. I'm not legal but might go up and say hello. Comp is on06/11/2011
Whats wrong with the world today?

Everyone seems miserable? A couple of customers and everyone seems depressed or ****ed orff?

Has somthing happened without me knowing? Is the world about to implode or sumthin?
It's probably the weather...

Or maybe people are just realising that they will battle their whole lives just so they can retire, but then when they retire the government will have nicked their pension, so they will still be battling, then they will go to into a home where they will be abused by the staff and lie for days in their own filth, then eventually they will die....

Could that be the reason :rolleyes:

Sorry Booger has a dark side :D
I don't think Westlife fans are walking around looking sad, I think they have all already jumped :D
Most of 'em have jumped eachother!:eek:

Jai... certainly up for a look around. I need to get that gearbox off Jamie and get it all fitted back into the disco. No problem with time now, of course, with the workshop... but I ain't been paid yet and I think he went to pick it up this evening! :doh:
Done another 15 hour day yesterday and got home from work only an hour ago today too .. god I am shattered but sat reading landyzone sipping whisky makes it all up :rolleyes::D

How is everyone? Who will be at the pub?

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