It's £1,200,000 to fill it up with diesel to get you 6,500 miles if you're gentle, 4,200 if you open it up. 30 gallons per mile.
Makes a V8 sound Cheap!

Been Reading up Kam shafts have come along way apparently and offer 5 year warranty like ashcroft and ever so slightly cheaper at £230 Plus Vat instead of £240 for the 10 quid tho is it worth chancing? I probably wouldn't.

Brett where's these 10 spline shafts from then All I can see was GKN but didn't find anywhere to buy them from.
There has been loads of rain down here, not sure about there, but if so maybe some fording is in order ???

I'll dig out the video cam just in case :D
Have fun tomorow guys.

Brett are you fitting your diff today?

Hey why aren't you coming ?

Anyway I forgot how organised I am, found a box in the garage, ready packed with recovery equip, kettle, coffee etc.

The question is should I pack the gas grill so we can knock up some tasty burgers on the side of the road, or are we stopping for lunch ?

If you want burgers let me know before 8pm so I can nip to the shop and pick some up... No 24 hour shopping in the sticks....
Actually I quite fancied a day out and I there is a comp that the rangie boys are competing in tomorrow. Landy is full but I'm getting there!
Actually I quite fancied a day out and I there is a comp that the rangie boys are competing in tomorrow. Landy is full but I'm getting there!

It's been scientifically proven that if you take breaks from a big job you will actually finish it quicker. So leave the landy there and bum a ride to the services. You can then ride with me, because with just my fat ass in my landy it lists to starboard :D
Hey Booger!!

Top geezer is you!

Cheers for the lift I'd love to but I have to empty the landy tomorrow and sort out some landy bits for a guy that wants to collect and give me some money top spend on goodies. So I will be spend tomorrow going back and fourth to the tidy tip emptying the mud and meeting this landy guy. This will however mean I can fit my winch and get ready all next week to do the punch event in Tring next month!!!!

Is Kris going to the Burnham event?

Booger you will love it

Appreciate the offer

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