Tis handy especially if we do the bigger trips with a couple of groups we can find out where people are and liase for lunch end of the day without a mobile phone. Also good for some banter and light micky taking when somone does somthing silly.
i help run a small shoot and we have 4 radios and the chance of us all being on the same channel at the same time is virtually nil which is fun
might get a cb unit then - more boys toys
Ah Ken what do you shoot?

My other halfs dad is a known Bisley and Luton & Pistol club person Don't think he does much else tho. Would be good to play wit a .303 again but there seems so much hoops to jump through just to go and shoot once a month its hardly worth it
Guys, random question... Where is best to put the video of our greenlaning trip?? Is YouTube ok or does anyone else recommend better...
An aerial is good too, I've ripped mine off the roof with a tree.
Rocket Radio in Letchworth is the place to go.
thanks for saying that must check my aerial tomorrow right clang on a tree tonight down the lane think the tip actully hit the roof of the car sount like it ripped it off
Well... here it is...

quality is pretty low, just to get it up as quick as i could!

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KdWBWsEfrQ"]YouTube - Greenlaning[/nomedia]

also... i cant seem to embed the video :( i thought putting [youtube]-KdWBWsEfrQ[/youtube] either end did it... but apparently not lol!!
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Haha awesome :D:D not sure about the music though :p The bits filmed outside are more entertaining to watch, maybe next time we should bear that in mind. You can't really get a perspective for the size of ruts and width of track from inside the cab. You should be able to keep the original sound from the video and play it with the music, might make it more exciting to watch? Nice job though! Thanks for filming it!

Gotta go to bed now :p 4 and a half hours sleep now :doh:
Haha the music is awesome!!

Couldnt really think of any suitable music, but the lyrics that appear kinda fit at times lol

Yeah definitely more outside shots! That's where the clever money is lol!

And u can mix the two, I just did all music this time, however when I get time I'll do a full hd version lol and mix the two ;)
Well... here it is...

quality is pretty low, just to get it up as quick as i could!

YouTube - Greenlaning

also... i cant seem to embed the video :( i thought putting [youtube]-KdWBWsEfrQ[/youtube] either end did it... but apparently not lol!!

good quality vid that.nice to see the pair of you learning how to drive.

Jack.im not surprised you need wheels.mind the wall...:D

as for the dead **** does it come with toast.:confused::confused:
good quality vid that.nice to see the pair of you learning how to drive.

Jack.im not surprised you need wheels.mind the wall...:D

as for the dead **** does it come with toast.:confused::confused:

I hope you mean Ben and Dave :p stupidly you can see me braking and slipping going down into that ford the 2nd time. Shoulda just let it go with the clutch up... If i had the muds on I wouldve got away with it :D:D (i hope I won't be able to use that excuse for much longer... :p:p)

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