hehe spyderman twas cheeky using some of your pics! If you want any taken orf no probs!

Jonny Depp better not tell Rachel she will go all crazy
cheers Jack much appreciated. Actually there may be a way of earning some dosh it would't be alot i wouldn't have thought but it may pay for the day out. I'm sure we could get us signed on as marshalls for some local comp safaris you could take the pics and offer them to the competitors might be able to sort a cheap printer for samples in the back of my 90 can defo put them on a largish lcd screen if you have an RCA video out for the competitiors to view before buying. I suppose it would all depends on the competitors themselves how deep their pockets are.
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cheers Jack much appreciated. Actually there may be a way of earning some dosh it would't be alot i wouldn't have thought but it may pay for the day out. I'm sure we could get us signed on as marshalls for some local comp safaris you could take the pics and offer them to the competitors might be able to sort a cheap printer for samples in the back of my 90 can defo put them on a largish lcd screen if you have an RCA video out for the competitiors to view before buying. I suppose it would all depends on the competitors themselves how deep their pockets are.

Do you have an inverter to power an lcd screen in your 90?
i have a lcd screen already setup for my stereo when it arrives cheapo crap chinese import water too deep to go spending more than 60 quid on a new stereo. Screen is 12v but its not the best. I do have a spare av out tho. I did have a desktop pc in there running an old lcd monitor i had kicking about but it took up soo much space and was a bit pointless as bob says a laptop is more sensible i have a 300w inverter which would run a basic desktop and screen no probs
I've got a 12-240V you can use, it's only 400W but it'll do a laptop and a printer or could burn cd's/DVD's for them.

Spyderman, Sundays good for me anywhere you like.............. I'll be decorating Saturday, much better that seeing Johnny Depp
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i saw a neat setup that was bolted behind the rear door of a 110 so nobody can tamper with it. Was an old comp monitor just clipped in he used it for advertising aswell when driving about got paid a small sum by some companies to show vids. I think it was the army recruitment guy had it
Well i think we have a couple of options, depending on how much electrical power we have available.

1 . Run everything off batteries
- Use a laptop to upload and view pictures
- Connect a battery powered dye-sub printer to the laptop

If we do something like this, we are limited to small prints (max 7x5" on the day) and a small laptop screen (not good if you are showing pictures to a crowd). Also if you are doing this outside you will want screen on full brightness so your laptop battery will run out very quick.

2 . Use a power inverter
- Use laptop with a good size lcd computer monitor attached.
- Use an inkjet printer and achieve much bigger prints

We can't really do this with an engine on tickover or nothing will stay still so I would rather do it with a dual battery setup like you have.

Professional event photographers will use larger dye-sub printers which cost a grand or more which is obviously out of any sort of budget if we are going to stay in the black! You can hire these but it is almost as expensive as buying them!
Camera power not a problem I have about 4000 shots at 10fps worth of power!! :p:p I don't know how much you know about cameras Jai, if you want I can teach you to use my back up cheap slr then you can use it the other side of a course if you want?
i was thinking just a few quid for a couple of pics an Inkjet should be ok would be better with a decent printer of course but costs are silly. Can move printer outside table/stand dunno just throwing ideas's about.
i'm rubbish my neice is doing basic photography at Bath uni she might well be up for make a few pounds even if it is only to cover the weekend **** up/marshalling helping out
Nobody will buy one if they don't know what the picture is of so the bigger the screen the better. I can make my awning and put some sides on it we can set up a table under that and put a screen on that to help shade from the daylight?
hp printer and cis system to bang out prints-beware epson and cheap cis systems

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