Now ya see THAT's inventive!:D

Hahaha thanks for the compliment but the truth is more like it was a desparate long shot in the dark!! Apart from that the other half was suggesting male stubborness prevented me from accepting we were stuck in the middle of nowhere - she was right but you know me, never say die!!

Anyway, had a brilliant day out laning yesterday, only got stuck once was a propper stuck moment but persistence paid dividends. Nothing really broken (makes a change), I don't think a partly damaged number plate counts as breakage.

All things being equal I should see some of you on Wednesday for pub meet. Happy New Year to all.
Free to watch. People will arrive from 8.00am scruteneering at 10am I think and comp starts from then til 3ish. Its a national club and always puts on good events I think this is the first time trial for a few years. I used to compete a few years back with these guys very nicegood group. I will pop up probably in the car or possibly the Landy (I have no dashboard and about 300 wires hanging out of it! Probably around lunchtime.

if it's not too urgent you should get relays from Maplin, Vehicle Wiring Products, Farnell and a whole host of other suppliers. I'm still in Wales, can have a look when I get home, not sure I've got some 30A relays kicking about but will certainly have a look for ya.
Ok I will be going in my work van as landy run out of rent 2day :-( didn't really want to go on me own but I have to be back by 12:30 as I have got dinner round the in-laws :-( was gonna leave about 10-10:30
Hi Kev,

I've got loads of relays kicking about none of which have tags on Doh! VWP is probably my best place to look will look into it later I have ine relay fitted for now all good.
Sible I will try and get there around 10ish/11 ish Do you know the offroad site? or do you wanna meet on the way there. I haven't been in with the club for about 3 years moved on to local clubs in recent times howver I might recognise a few faces.
No idea of the addres,

Turn off the A5 to wards Little brickhill, go over the small roundabout before hitting the village as soon as you get into the village turn left towards Gt Brickhill (very small narrow turning I always miss this and I've been there approx 30 times) follow that road apprx a mile road dips and then climbs on the climb look left site entrance is there nr the top. Its a comp so any 4x4s will not be allowed to take part unless signed on and all passengers/competitors/marshalls are present. Usual stuff.
Evening all.

Happy new year to everyone, Yes am a little behind. Hope all goes well this year for all and hope to have some good trips in the planning sometime soon.

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