morning Kev,

Isn't it the pub meet tomorrow? Who reckons they'll make it?

Sorry mate, didn't see that earlier. I'm not ignoring you (honest:D) Yes, pub meet is tonmorrow but I don't know if I will make it. Nik is going to be here with the kids but I'm not sure what time she is leaving to go back to Wales. So I'm a maybe.
could someone send me the address of the pub meet for tomorrow please.

i'll be there at about 7:30-8pm but will have to leave at about half 9-10 as i've got work :mad2:

Sorry mate, didn't see that earlier. I'm not ignoring you (honest:D) Yes, pub meet is tonmorrow but I don't know if I will make it. Nik is going to be here with the kids but I'm not sure what time she is leaving to go back to Wales. So I'm a maybe.

No worries Kev,

Do give our best to Nik and the Kids.
I should be there, going to bomb it back from a shoot in kent. Happens to be my birthday tomorrow to - so i get first dibs on the waitress :D:D:D:D:D
If by some miracle someone pays their bill tomorrow I'll be there... if not I hope you all have a great time!
Sorry chaps will not be there as I am in france till next week but will keep a eye out on this fred to see if anything is going on have a good meet.
i'll be there early cos Rach is working. Mabe 7.15/30 will have some food also. Steak was great. Bloody stuffed last time. Couldn't finnish the desert. Ow i've just had an idea! Spyderman you will have a txt soon.
sorry guys i got it wrong i was finishing work at 10pm not starting at 10pm.

jai i'll give you a call at the wkend to talk about the chassis and payment,will you be able to talk saturday morning about 11-11:30.

Evening all. Was good to see everyone who made it to the pub last night, Great weather to be in the beer garden.

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