Ryder its 10 or 12 17mm bolts/studs and an angle grinder thats all thats needed I forgot about the knackared one in the chassis. If you can get to mine about 6ish tomorrow then can be out and done in 20 mins possibly refit another gearbox in its place in half an hour. Bench will be needed for while when I get some time to strip the boxes. Like I say come over with some gloves and an angle grinder and it can be done quite quickly TBH.

Sorry about tonight Jai, Not going to be able to get there... Luke problems... will explain more when I see you. Really sdorry for messin you about!
Righto axle swap seems likley for the weekend! Whaddon was planned but I think its gonna be rock solid and a bit boring! time to test out these new shiny axle stands!
Evenin' gents. Long time no progress....
She's ALIVE!!!!!:5bparty:

After fitting a replacement head, all is well. It has reached and maintained correct temperature and sounds sweeeeeet.

It's up on axle stands with the diff oil drained and the driveshafts out ready for the diff swap.
All that remains for the MOT is an inner wheelarch repair on one side, the handbrake, track rod end and steering damper. Should hopefully be back out again next month.
OK dim question but I have to ask....

Does anyone have an engine hoist that I could borrow for a day or two?

Ryder i have a hoist if you need one my mate has it but sure he will be finished with it let me know if you still need one........
Ryder i have a hoist if you need one my mate has it but sure he will be finished with it let me know if you still need one........

Ash that's great news... I would still like to use one... I now Jai says to live the transmission in manually... but with Kai here I would prefer to do it bit by bit with him being safely on the operating handle!

When do you expect to get it returned? I can plan around any time really!


I have used a gearbox hoist that would tilt every direction once and TBH it was more hassel than it was worth took fookin ages to get done.
Ryder you have a welder sureley you can make a cradle to support the box on a trolly jack wouldnt take 15 mins and you have One forever then. Just idea. Make sure its welded good an propper tho. Have you got any box section kicking about? I might have a go at making one myself when I get my welding sorted out I got plenty of cases kicking about to make one one a good fit.
I think Trewy bought one orf ebay, or was that a diff support? Anyroad up, maybe a polite PM might get some pics (and dims).......
good idea' actually you saying that somwhere I have some drawings on PDF how to make a few LR special tools its on my other HD somwhere.
How often do you guys go out and about on the local lanes?

My Disco should be on the road soon so I expect i'll be out most of the time, obv its never good to go it alone though.....i'm based down in Hatfield, anyone local to me?

welcome Paul.
There is our monthly pub meet next wednesday in Dunstable if you want to meet the locals and get an idea what we get up to etc. I'll make sure I send the address etc to you in case you fancy coming. No need for the landy most of us go in other cars etc. There are a few lanes around Luton/Hitchen when you get up and running somone is always about So you can tag along as you want.

Also keep an eye on the this thread we are always out and about and you can tag along when your ready I'm sure. JaI
welcome Paul.
There is our monthly pub meet next wednesday in Dunstable if you want to meet the locals and get an idea what we get up to etc. I'll make sure I send the address etc to you in case you fancy coming. No need for the landy most of us go in other cars etc. There are a few lanes around Luton/Hitchen when you get up and running somone is always about So you can tag along as you want.

Also keep an eye on the this thread we are always out and about and you can tag along when your ready I'm sure. JaI

Ok cool no probs, i'll bear it in mind!

Have done some laning previously when a friend had a 200TDi/Frontera/Vitara so know a few of them but its always good to broaden your horizions.....did a few in Ashwell at the weekend in my trusty 200series Rover :)

Really looking forward to getting the Landy on the road, just waiting on my friend to weld it up for me....I have all the panels there (inner arch and sills) so just waiting on him to fit them so I can get my Insa Turbo's and Safari snorkel on and go play in it!!!!
Blast it! Bother! Oh that is most unfortunate...

These are some of the words I did not use.

Went to the Disco to go home after work this evening to see a massive puddle at the front. Turned out that all the power steering fluid had leaked. That was a fun journey home. :(

Massive invoice I can't afford to look forward to now.

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