Hope everyones good?

Sorry couldnt make it to the pub yesterday but landys not well and other things come up ;)

As the landy is still not sorted i going to have to cancel for Saturday aswell :doh:

Hope you all have a good time and i want to see plenty of pics :D
Saturday is going to be a wash out I'm gonna head up to get this trailer and mabe do some gentle lanes on the way home forty foot is worth the wait.
Cheers Andy for the welding and turning down the solid bar in your lathe. Sweet job just gotta finish the stays and a lick of paint jobs a goodun!
sorry i thought it was on sunday!! im car shopping on sat, so will have to do the next one. are you making the pub meet a monthly now then?
Pub meet is monthly everyone welcome. Carpy organises a more national/south group one less frewuently but the Herts laners have had a monthly meeting for almost 18 months now (mabe more) Locations have changed a bit but Dunstable seems to be a good venue and everyone liked it this month so I think we have found a winner!
Chop-shop is the biggest load of BullShi+e going all bollix for the camera and not any mechanical idea just Twots building ****e cars
Chop-shop is the biggest load of BullShi+e going all bollix for the camera and not any mechanical idea just Twots building ****e cars

I second that :D

So wots the story with Saturday laning, is everyone up for getting wet ? Or is it not really gonna happen ?
i'm hoping to be up that way Rushden to collect an old trailer so might tag along for a bit but I have soooo much to get done and I wanna get my mota ready for the comp next Sunday gotta go play with the Rangie boys its been too long!

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