ahh sweet. i will be jumping in with JACP, will be him, myself and one more passenger. looking forward to meeting you guys, will also have to miss out on tomorrow night - work commitments. see you guys on saturday!
Ok get to work this am our neibour next door good italian food supplies has dumped their boxes in our skip like alot of bloody boxes. Bastards! So spent 5 satisfying minutes surrounding their Italian food truck with their rubbish.
I am not going to make it this evening I am sorry to say... simply too much to do at home... trying to get the chassis into the back garden and stripping the axles down - and still need to do a ****load of stuff around the house to keep Rose happy!

Have a good one guys!
Yes please Spydie... if anything changes I will let you know... but it would be good!

BTW is there room for kai in the back (it's ok if not but I thought I would ask!)
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im sure we will work it out, i know that area pretty well as well, but there are plenty of us that know our way around and can read maps!

will be an early rise then, will have to be up for leaving about half 7 by the looks of things

look forward to it, see you all then!
Hey ho people,
Well nice pub me thinks, what did you all reckon?

Ryder this transfer box is still attached to the gearbox your welcome to come and have a look see will need to seperate it at some point to get it over to you.
Great pub. Gets my vote.

Again, I can only do half a day, so would need to head for home at about 1 or 2pm.

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