
*Bournemouth, for a start....................can't be ****ed to start with your lack of capital letters and appaling punctuation, you ****ing heathen. :rolleyes:

Grippa you ****head... surely heathen in this context deserves a capital "H"???

Never mind the "F" in ****ing!
;) They gets better the less I can see the page! ( i do admit though... I had a little check back through the threat to make sure I wasn't beiong unfair... afetr all ... an asshole doesn't always know he's an asshole...

It's like the story of the body...

The mouth decided he was the boss and decided to stop eatin...

The kidney decided he was the boss and decided to stop functioning...

The arse decided he was the bos and decided to stop ****ting...

The stomach got hungry,

The bladder got full...


The body cavity got full of **** while the blood system started to poison itself.... eventually the other parts of the body said

"OK, Arse... you're the boss!"

Which only goes to show

If you want to be the boss... you only got to spout **** or be called and arse (or a big-un) and EVERYONE's gotta take notice...

Boom, tish! :rolleyes:
Grippa you ****head... surely heathen in this context deserves a capital "H"???

Never mind the "F" in ****ing!

Mmmm, reckon a capital 'H' would, on this occasion, be extending marginally too much respect to one so prone to the systematic abuse of the English langwidge.

*Bournemouth, for a start....................can't be ****ed to start with your lack of capital letters and appaling punctuation, you ****ing heathen. :rolleyes:

bournemouth was a case of missing out a letter not a spelling mistake.

in contrast dear grippa; its spelt appalling;)

and yes, i don't tend to bother with punctuation when it is at the end of a sentence, or capital letters, because it's a forum.

not half as appaLLing as text speak, or spelling mind is it:rolleyes:;):D

*Bournemouth, for a start....................can't be ****ed to start with your lack of capital letters and appaling punctuation, you ****ing heathen. :rolleyes:

Oh yes and...

Inconsiderate; ungratefull ****... Carpy fed yer when you came up to us.... the least you can do is afford him the grace of a couple of lower case letters!

AND NOT FRENCH LETTERS... in cse you was forming yer reply!

Besides which

I've been to Bournemouth... Just exactly what is there in aforementioned town that deserves a capital letter?

The sea? Old people? Tides? Tramps? Lanes? Sites? ****stained sheets? Used condoms in the side streets? Political rallies? come on help me out here!!!! LOL :)
Oh yes and...

Inconsiderate; ungratefull ****... Carpy fed yer when you came up to us.... the least you can do is afford him the grace of a couple of lower case letters!

AND NOT FRENCH LETTERS... in cse you was forming yer reply!

Besides which

I've been to Bournemouth... Just exactly what is there in aforementioned town that deserves a capital letter?

The sea? Old people? Tides? Tramps? Lanes? Sites? ****stained sheets? Used condoms in the side streets? Political rallies? come on help me out here!!!! LOL :)

Oi, yer **** head. I used to live in Bournemouth.

I wuz ****ing proud of my ****stained sheets.

Took me ****ing years to get 'em that crusty.
Ain't it great to have Grippa back around? Jeez can you imagine???? if he were't here making us laugh

He migh be makin babies!:)
NOW THAT would be scary!
ryder yer avin a girlie argument

Now ya see series71 this is a manly argument... why? 'cos I arunuin' with no one but meself... which, while sad, is better than arguin' at home!

No one else here got an argument with anythin'I said!

Fo jesus sake man! Come up with somethin' or this is gonna be one hell of a boring night!
Nah, made a couple, but apparently now they call it 'rape'!

I ask yer, it's political correctness gorn MAAAAD!

Gripp yer failin old fart!

When its more than one it's called "GRAPE", since there might be a bunch!
wonder what grippas kids first words would be:confused::rolleyes:

I can tell you what they were.........well, one wuz 'that'..............t'other one we're eagerly awaiting for.

Probably the same. It's rather disappointing though compared to the 'bollox', '****' or 'cash' that you hope for when you start these things.
I can tell you what they were.........well, one wuz 'that'..............t'other one we're eagerly awaiting for.

Probably the same. It's rather disappointing though compared to the 'bollox', '****' or 'cash' that you hope for when you start these things.

Surely "I'll eat this **** if you give me fiver"

Would indicate the prospect of a more profitable retirement?

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