ok syderman well im in wilts but have no problem traveling for some good lanes. really like the plains but dont have many friends that are into laning and even less that would drive for more that 10 mins to do so! any idea where and when your out next?
play nice guys. everyone is entitled to 10 mins of good manners before ripping into them. :p
big-un what is it you want to know? ill see if i can help before u **** off the whole fred
Next time I'm out is May 8th Santa Pod & Grafham Water Lanes. They're really good seasonal lanes. I'm off to Italy tomorrow teaching for a week so will pick up on stuff when i get back.
Just started of by asking if there was anybody who would show me what green lanin was all about. Minty took it apon herself to teach me to spell, and then watch me like big brother!! Wouldn't you be ****ed off!!!
Just started of by asking if there was anybody who would show me what green lanin was all about. Minty took it apon herself to teach me to spell, and then watch me like big brother!! Wouldn't you be ****ed off!!!

FFS..... if you had read the fookin post you would of SEEN a video of green lanin...... i couldnt give a toss bout ya fookin spellin...:doh:

Jesus H christ ... gimme strength. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
oh dear minty what have you done! haha on the bright side its one less invite to worry about next time you head out ay

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