chuck me and JCUK up on here, and i will take a gamble and say you can put mud4brains on for santa pod as well. i will not be in a vehicle mind, riding shotgun
doesnt look like it, unless mintys chuff is a new lane?

Been TRO'd onnacun't of it's poor state of repair.

Can all you fecker's stop driving up Minty's chuff. This is our hobby and unless there's some respect, all of these ancient BOATs will be permanently closed to vehicles & they'll just become overgrown and eventually inpenetrable, even to horses.
Lets ****ing start then

Minty... ' bout time we saw you down this neck of the woods! Would be great to get you to join inour jollies.... errrr..... offroading and greena laning I meaqn not anything more pervy!


You would be welcome to join is anorl... I think... wait while I check the other threads on the forum! Just joikin.... might be a drive but why not come out for a proper day's lanin rather than alll that girlie arguin you usually get into!

JCUK great many genuine thanks... you know all about that

Forgot the other geezer ... Oh yeah Big-un....

Rule of thumb...

If yer ego is bigger than your penis then **** off... we're here to have a laugh and a little green laning entertainment. Of course in order to join in with us you will be required to submit your passport or driving licence ( to prove that you are allowed to drive here), Your wife's photo... to prove that you have taste; Your inside leg measurement so that we can best judge whether toi use you as a driver or depth guage; The circumference around your biceps... to see whether you are capable of digging yourself out of the great big hole you seem intent on creatin...

Oh yes...

And your IQ (with evidence please), so that we can evaluate whether you actually know from whence you are talkin. (Top hole or bottom)
Been TRO'd onnacun't of it's poor state of repair.

Can all you fecker's stop driving up Minty's chuff. This is our hobby and unless there's some respect, all of these ancient BOATs will be permanently closed to vehicles & they'll just become overgrown and eventually inpenetrable, even to horses.

:hysterically_laughi I dont half miss ya when ya aint around :)
Lets ****ing start then

Minty... ' bout time we saw you down this neck of the woods! Would be great to get you to join inour jollies.... errrr..... offroading and greena laning I meaqn not anything more pervy!


You would be welcome to join is anorl... I think... wait while I check the other threads on the forum! Just joikin.... might be a drive but why not come out for a proper day's lanin rather than alll that girlie arguin you usually get into!

JCUK great many genuine thanks... you know all about that

Forgot the other geezer ... Oh yeah Big-un....

Rule of thumb...

If yer ego is bigger than your penis then **** off... we're here to have a laugh and a little green laning entertainment. Of course in order to join in with us you will be required to submit your passport or driving licence ( to prove that you are allowed to drive here), Your wife's photo... to prove that you have taste; Your inside leg measurement so that we can best judge whether toi use you as a driver or depth guage; The circumference around your biceps... to see whether you are capable of digging yourself out of the great big hole you seem intent on creatin...

Oh yes...

And your IQ (with evidence please), so that we can evaluate whether you actually know from whence you are talkin. (Top hole or bottom)

classic post Ryder :D
Just started of by asking if there was anybody who would show me what green lanin was all about. Minty took it apon herself to teach me to spell, and then watch me like big brother!! Wouldn't you be ****ed off!!!


aw carpy fanks for :focus: :D

more than welcome m'love

and ryder, went down disco71's way a little while back, he is down bournemout way so it isnt too bad, bomb up the m3 (well rattle up with the series) and then m25, its quite doable

he is an alright chap, would fit in quite well if you havent met him:p he is most of the time anyway:D

more than welcome m'love

and ryder, went down disco71's way a little while back, he is down bournemout way so it isnt too bad, bomb up the m3 (well rattle up with the series) and then m25, its quite doable

he is an alright chap, would fit in quite well if you havent met him:p he is most of the time anyway:D


*Bournemouth, for a start....................can't be ****ed to start with your lack of capital letters and appaling punctuation, you ****ing heathen. :rolleyes:
classic post Ryder :D

;) They gets better the less I can see the page! ( i do admit though... I had a little check back through the threat to make sure I wasn't beiong unfair... afetr all ... an asshole doesn't always know he's an asshole...

It's like the story of the body...

The mouth decided he was the boss and decided to stop eatin...

The kidney decided he was the boss and decided to stop functioning...

The arse decided he was the bos and decided to stop ****ting...

The stomach got hungry,

The bladder got full...


The body cavity got full of **** while the blood system started to poison itself.... eventually the other parts of the body said

"OK, Arse... you're the boss!"

Which only goes to show

If you want to be the boss... you only got to spout **** or be called and arse (or a big-un) and EVERYONE's gotta take notice...
ryder but arguin is fun ....I nevva win at home !

when ur next down in salisbury i'll pop over

Series I I love a good agument. You have your ideas and I have mine, no hard feelings just a good shouting match... QUALITY!

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