Anyway, I was gonna ask. Who do we report this sort of thing to? Obviously someone has been deliberately trying to block the lane, whether it is the people at the stables or some walker type people I don't know, but its pretty annoying.

Local Council, County Council, Rights of Way Officer. Check council website for details.
Reporting it is well worthwhile... we've had a couple of episodes where a local farmer has blocked a lane illegally, and as far as I know at least one occassion where the scumfaced bum bandit actually got prosecuted!
i'm tempted to go for a drive now but im on 205R16 half bald road tyres. Rear difflock does make intresting handling as i found out earlier if you lets say give it a bit of gas, sideeeways anyone would have thought i was doing a drifting comp
Just drove home from Hemel in my Espace, winter tyres on thankfully. It's bad out there guys, I'm putting the snow tyres on the Landy in the morning. International Rescue here I come.:D:cool:
Just drove home from Hemel in my Espace, winter tyres on thankfully. It's bad out there guys, I'm putting the snow tyres on the Landy in the morning. International Rescue here I come.:D:cool:

Ive only just bloody got in, didnt grit a main A road wit a ****off hill, so spent half the night towing lorries up it - got some photos while i was at it thankfully
role reversal









i hada couple of land cruisers, was bloody smug about that

i have towed a normal 18 tonner lorry before, but never a fully laden artic. and never up a non gritted icey and snowy 1 mile long hill :c
Quality Carpy thats some very good pictures, I went out earned about 50quid lol didnt ask for money people where almost fighting over being towed up the A602 lol
people round here are pricks, so i got given a tenner by one chap who was thoroughly nice, noone else even offered, they just drove off

bloody ungrateful pricks, even just a quid or 2 out of the parking fund to go toward fuel would have been appreciated
Great Pics carpy, Lots of 4x4s out today, Driving smugly around all the parked up cars, Lots of Mitsi Pajeros driving about as well. Even freelander drivers had smug looks on tehre faces today.

I had a M3 behind me if that counts. Despite only being Front wheel drive at the moment, He had got himself stuck off the road on the grass in the thicker snow, Got a cable around the front of his car and pulled him from the gritted and more grippy tarmac, Had him back on the road in no time, he was very grateful but the car beached slightly on the high curb. Made a very nasty noise.

Typical that my VCU will pack up 6 days before the snow, im hoping for more snow in January when all wheels are turning as they should.
Bloody typical, I missed all the fun!

Was in North Wales last night, not one flake of snow and bright and sunny up there this morning. Never mind, I'm sure there'll be another time.
Good Job Carpy, You should have just towed the ungrateful ones back into the **** :D

I would have also asked for a letter from the AA thanking you for rescuing their rescue truck, that would have looked classic framed on the wall ;)
Nice going Carpy. See the beacons are doing well, they've turned you into a rescue monster. At this rate of things we won't need to save the world from climate change, Carpy's going to tow it to a cooler place.

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