Ryder you have not thought this through. Dont listen to the self proclaimed Mr Fixits without questioning.

You state you have a squeeling sound?

You state that when you put your foot on the clutch the sound goes away?

A clutch release bearing does NOTHING. Until you press the clutch pedal.

Why would a bearing, doing nothing, squeel?

If it was your clutch release bearing the noise would only happen when you press the clutch.

I suggest you look elsewhere for your squeel. Or recheck your diagnostic reasoning.

Dont feel bad. It is a common myth put about by non mechs.

It is possible for a light squeel to come from a clutch but it will not be from the bearing if the information you provided is correct.
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Ryder you have not thought this through. Dont listen to the self proclaimed Mr Fixits without questioning.
You state you have a squeeling sound?
You state that when you put your foot on the clutch the sound goes away?
A clutch release bearing does NOTHING. Until you press the clutch pedal.
Why would a bearing, doing nothing, squeel?
If it was your clutch release bearing the noise would only happen when you press the clutch.
I suggest you look elsewhere for your squeel. Or recheck your diagnostic reasoning.
Dont feel bad. It is a common myth put about by non mechs.
It is possible for a light squeel to come from a clutch but it will not be from the bearing if the information you provided is correct.

Not completely true - the clutch release bearing, when not being used, rests lightly onto the clutch assembly and will spin, but under no load. As soon as you start to depress the clutch, the bearing will get loaded - I have known bearings squeal (or rattle) when under no load, but the loading makes them work harder and the noise disappears. I have the same on my slitty, with no load on the clutch, it sounds like water tinkling under the dash - as soon as the clutch is depressed, the noise goes.
It IS possible to still be the release bearing.
the clutch release bearing, when not being used, rests lightly onto the clutch assembly and will spin, but under no load

If it is doing this then your free-pedal movement is ill-adjusted. If it is in constanst contact (Which it should not be!) then it cause premature wear of the release bearing.

I would also be looking at Gearbox bearings, as you said when you put your foot on the clutch the noise disappears. When you put your foot on the clutch, the input shaft will no longer be turning and under no load (Presuming that you stationary and not in gear).

It could be the release bearing though, as MHM said Bearings can produce werid syptoms at times!
However, although we have cleared up one of the problems it hs not seen off the horrendous squealing coming from the gearbox/transfer box area.

I have done some experiements and it seems that the squealing stops if I stick my foot down on the clutch. Given that the proprs are still doing their thing and the bearings on the xfer box are still operational at that time; I can only assume that the thrust bearing has gone tits up.

SO! new clutch and bearing £74.00

BUT Should we fit it ourselves; take it to a mechanic; book it into Mr Clutch - OR would someone on here like to quote me a fixed fee for sorting it out?

Cheers Guys

Could be a bit tricky mate. I had a quick look in the workshop manual for the Rangie and for the manual transmission it suggests the following for LT77 gearbox:

Symptom - Noise from gearbox in neutral, which disappears when clutch is depressed

1 Check lubricant specification and level, if low do not top up at this stage.
2 Drain lubricant and check for contamination or metal particles. Suspect worn bearings on layshaft, primary shaft or front main shaft.

So perhaps a real headache. Also, checked section on clutch, it suggests as follows:

Noise from clutch or gearbox in neutral, which disappears when clutch is depressed.

Suspect input/primary shaft bearings. See MANUAL GEARBOX, Fault Diagnosis LT77 manual gearbox.


Noise from clutch or gearbox in neutral, which changes tone or becomes worse when clutch is depressed.

Suspect worn release bearing.

Sorry to say it mate but it sounds like you may need to drop the gearbox out of it.
Thanks for taking the time to find that Info Kev... Andy... many thanks to you too for your comments. Is it possible. given the comments already made, to diagnose the problem prior to taking out the gearbox?

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I am better off taking the shogun off the market for a month or two and taking my tiime to sort this problem out, but I would like to have a clear picture of the problem first.
If its the Shogun then the replacement parts are going to be well over the price you would get back for it. If you were to keep it then it may well be worth doing but as you want to get rid might be cheaper in the long run to break it or sell it as is. If its the Disco then a s/h gearbox are quite cheap and labour is your own time and worth doing, again only if you intend on keeping it. IMO
Thanks for taking the time to find that Info Kev... Andy... many thanks to you too for your comments. Is it possible. given the comments already made, to diagnose the problem prior to taking out the gearbox?

No worries mate and NO apart from draining the oil I think it'll have to come out:(

Missed the snow last year... just hope I can get it fixed in time this year!

Jai... It's the disco... can see; looking at my earlier post; why you would think otherwise, but takinig the shogun off the market measns that I still have something to drive... would not even contemplate doing the same to the shogun. Way too much money for no return!
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However... silver lining and all that!

Kai is in for a crash course on how not to do gearbox removals!
Been reading Busters how to's

What is a slide hammer?

What is it used for?

Just a question because we don't know!
Ref mad hat man.

If you read my post you will see this at the bottom.

It is possible for a light squeel to come from a clutch but it will not be from the bearing

This very light squeel normally hardly perceptable is possible when the clutch pressure plate fingers lightly rub against the surface of the release brg. As a later poster suggested a tightly adjusted pedal can make this worse but normally a free moving brg will never make a noise because it breaks contact with the pressure plate.

Revving the engine will also raise the pitch enough to stop the noise from human ears.

If you really are convinced its this problem then you can squirt a little water into the drain hole and the noise should disapear until it dries out again.

After 22 years as a landy mech I have never had any car make a loud squeel because clutch pressure plate fingers are lightly brushing against the brg face.

Ryder. Think of a slide hammer as a hammer for pulling rather than pushing. Body shops use them for pulling out dents. You can remove stubborn injectors, brgs etc. The only problem is connecting the hammer to the part you want to pull out. Suction cups, old injectors or even hardened steel hooks are used for various applications.

I would want to hear the noise myself before passing judgment.

Bummer is I leave for leeds in about 1 hour from writting this. I am back on the 23rd.

Try this.
1. Can you make the noise happen whilst the car is stationary? Try the main gearbox in nuetral/transfer in h/l. Then try the main box in gear and the transfer box in neutral.
2. Does the noise require road speed?

If you can get the noise stationary, main box in neutral, transfer box in h/l then it is very likely to be a main gearbox input/layshaft brg/gear problem.

If you get the noise stationary, with the main gearbox in gear, clutch up but the transfer box in neutral but NO noise when in the condition stated above you should look at the transfer box.

I know what you said in a previous post about pressing the clutch and the above tests should identify the area of problem.


If you need to be moving and the noise is not heard when trying out the above stationary checks. Might I suggest you try applying the handbrake slightly/gently. You might just have a stone or dislodged hand brake shoes/ mud in there.

It wouldnt be the first time a stone or some mud made a driver want to pull out the gearbox.

Good luck.
Hi all i been looking at explorer map194 showing a number of lanes near Ardley and a longer one "back lane" a roman road are any off them restricted looks worth a visit does anyone know them



Where you from mate i live near Walkern Ardley etc, i know all our local lanes PM if your in the area mate let me know and i will show you the local ones, nothing special thou.

Hey guys.

Me and Andrew did some laning on Sunday with a guy Andrew met a while back. On one of the lanes we did, someone had deliberately put cut logs in the way and put small branches across the lane. They were only small, and had quite obviously come from a pile of felled trees right next to the lane. A woman from the stables next door popped her head over the fence to say we were scaring the horses (We were only driving by at a crawl) and we asked whether she knew anything about it. She got pretty defensive after that, so we suspect it was something to do with them, although we have no proof.
Alex, the guy with us got stuck on one of the logs in his 110, and it took us 10 minutes of fu*king about to get him off it. (Don't ask me what he was doing to get stuck. We were in front and suddenly realised he wasn't behind us anymore! :D) Obviously if the logs weren't there, we could have been gone in less than a minute and caused minimal disturbance to the horses. We did explain that to the woman but it seemed to go straight over her head! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I was gonna ask. Who do we report this sort of thing to? Obviously someone has been deliberately trying to block the lane, whether it is the people at the stables or some walker type people I don't know, but its pretty annoying.

Hi All
I'm Alex the dude who Ed was on about got this log stuck under me chassis rail lifted half the truck in the air. Lane was in northchurch in Berkhamsted if this helps at all...

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