right i am taking the plunge at the weekend to have a good look under and around the disco for rust which there is alot off,im doing a recci now cos just after xmas im going to get it all repaired,i no some of you will think just get a new landy cos it will prob be cheaper but my father in law is a welder by trade so he can get the equipment and the materials foc so im not gonna miss out on the oppertunity plus i cant really afford a new landy.
Anyway i was just wondering if anyone was nearby this sat or sunday to help see whats what and give some advice on what the priority bits to get welded 1st are as it wont be done in one go.

atb lee
boot floor,
rear wheel arches,
rear body mounts,
both sills inner and outter,
front inner arches,
rear wheel arches/seat belt mounts,
Well Prop's done... and ready to refit. Thanks to Kev for setting us straight and giving up your afternoon!

Jai... we're still very up for the meal. Will give you some cash tomorrow if that's ok?
Hi Ryder,
Its not the money really there has only been a few of us committed so it seems easier if we go there and early Wednesday and just order a normal meal. If that suits everyone.

T'was thinking of a couple of fun awards. Anyone got ant idea's?

We thought of a goodun last pub meet which 'will remain a secret until prize giving.
My Series III has passed it's MOT - Yippee. It does need rear wheel and diff bearing doing though.
As I'm off to France skiing soon and don't have time to sort it, it's being done for me and I'll pick it up first week in December, all ready to go.
I'm happy with just ordering a meal at the pub, Carol is coming too.
Fantastic, I just pay for my landrover and i am browsing this thread thinking 'I don't have a clue where i can go off-road, i click here and what do i see? a MASSIVE thread listing locations in my home county. Fantastic! :cool:
Hi Fielder,
What motor ave you got? Cos im a nosey bugger any pics? And what part of the world are you in.

We hold monthly pub meets as a place to have a laugh, socialise and plan future trips.

P.S has anyone got an old broken CV joint? I can have? I asure you it will be worth it if your at the next pub meet.
Hi Fielder,
What motor ave you got? Cos im a nosey bugger any pics? And what part of the world are you in.

We hold monthly pub meets as a place to have a laugh, socialise and plan future trips.

A freelander, First 4x4.....sorry, a Gaylander as it seems they are known as around these parts. I'm from Hemel Hempsted.

No photos yet unfortunately, I pick it up from the garage tomorrow night. I bought it and immediately asked for the Rear Diff and head gasket to be replaced and a Filter and Fluid change before i left the forecourt (as part of the sticker price of course). Oh, and a warranty on it as well.

I have no offroad experience yet, But do have 4 years track racing (cars) and 2 years motorbike riding if that counts for anything.....probably not.

Where about's are the pub meetings held out of interest?
I know most of you guys are totally against calling yourself a "club" or even want to join a club.


EVRYTHING you guys do is what a club does.

Including. Arranging green lane days/trips. Helping fellow "club" members when in trouble. Arranging pub meets. Trying to arrange "club" meals for xmas.

What makes you guys NOT a club?

The only thing I can come up with is the liability issues.

Just for information. Even if you dont call yourself a club, anyone organising or arranging events such as those mentioned above, by default, becomes liable in most cases. And without the benefits of being a club when it comes to protecting yourselves.

Just an observation. Think of it as food for thought.
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I know most of you guys are totally against calling yourself a "club" or even want to join a club.


EVRYTHING you guys do is what a club does.

Including. Arranging green lane days/trips. Helping fellow "club" members when in trouble. Arranging pub meets. Trying to arrange "club" meals for xmas.

What makes you guys NOT a club?

Maybe they dont have a secret handshake? :D
The only thing I can come up with is the liability issues.

Just for information. Even if you dont call yourself a club, anyone organising or arranging events such as those mentioned above, by default, becomes liable in most cases. And without the benefits of being a club when it comes to protecting yourselves.

Just an observation. Think of it as food for thought.

Bollix - If I say I am going laning on saturday and you wish to come along with me then that is your responsibility, not mine.
Club thing, yay its an idea but involves somone organising things and nobody on ere can say yay they will do it all the time. I know from our Flying field stuff how things can get really good and before really bad. Nobody wants or at least I think nobody wants to be the person to put the effort in all the time. Alot of us do put effort into arranging days out, trips out even weekends away and pub meets etc but ultimatly nobody I don't think wants to have the hassel put on them. If anyone wants to join a club see my signitaure... Clubs usually means joining fees although not always. Its somthing we could have a serious think about there are some good pros and cons off my head.

We could arrange Trials, punch events, fun days and lots more with MSA cover which means alot more fun and opens up more extreme terrain than any greenlane can or should offer. Cons this kind of stuff requires some money so would need a membership.

I'm neither for or against the idea, I am happy as we are, although there are alot more events and things we could do as a group of like minded people Enthusiasts which could be argued we are missing out on.
My only problem when going laning with new people is what happened a while ago when a vitara followed us down a lane and then decided to go messing up a field and causing havoc. We told them to feck off and waited until they buggered off. If they are associated with the responsible group then that will cause us a problem just by them being with us. I think within our group nobody actually is a set organisor (can't Spell been in bloody london today) and anyone that wants to come is welcome at their own risk. Mabe we sould make that alot clearer. I remember somone trying to sue somone a while back after a trip out and his car was damaged.

I don't know

What does the people on ere think....................
If it helps Jai I also do a lot of Rough Shooting at the weekends, So i am more then versed in the country code and the do's and donts of the country side. Perhaps new people should sit in the middle of the pack, which would limit them driving off and doing something stupid?

Failing that, Spike strip!

what happened the the damaged car? purely out of curiosity?
anyone near houghton regis at some point at the begining of december to help me/show me how to do a front wheel bearing on my defender??
i have a workshop with tools etc, and i will buy a bearing kit and a stub axle just in case the rear bearing has welded its self to the old one like the passengers one did( i got oaktree to do it last time, but money is tight so i am going to have a go myself)

any help would be great.
I believe our "Club" is just a bunch of people who got together through an internet forum with a like minded interest, who use this forum to arrange activities within our area. We've become mates and help each other out and socialise together.
Any trips we plan are always at our own risk, nobody forces anybody to do anything. Anybody who doesn't behave responsibly doesn't come out with us, simple as that.

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