Does breaking both your Land Rovers in one weekend count as one bad thing or two bad things ?

Cause I just realised I lost my wallet (with 300 squid in it) on the way home from laning, and wondered if as bad things come in 3's I should expect another disaster, or if I am in the clear :rolleyes:
No I filled up when I got home, but it's okay I remembered another bad thing that happened, one of my girls dropped her van keys down a drain today, and I had to go in head first to get the keys... I've had two showers and I still smell like a manhole :D So it's all uphill from here :p
i dont think your ALL ****ers, those of u that i know personally as well as through the forum are mates, those of you i do not know personally, just through here, Carpy, Booger etc etc, i'm sure u'll be mates too,
please, any chance we can stop killing eachother? there's enough people out there aginst us, were Fooked if we start turning on eachother!
(edit) i've not got the arse with anyone, just dont bull****e and dont backstab n u'll be fine
and of course DB is still by landy god!
was considering some night lanes on friday, dunno if anyones interested?

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No I filled up when I got home, but it's okay I remembered another bad thing that happened, one of my girls dropped her van keys down a drain today, and I had to go in head first to get the keys... I've had two showers and I still smell like a manhole :D So it's all uphill from here :p

Hiya Dan,

Quad bike sounds like fun!

What Defender are you going for?

I saw a lovley 200tdi yesterday at work in a garage mint rebuilt with all new bits built for an overland trip nothing added just HD suspension and wolf wheels Lovleeeey!

As you can probably tell I have been ranting a bit latley. I had enough of getting grief from Land owners, Clubs and Organisations for being seen with/involved with other motors on the forum that were supposidly breaking Greenlaning guide lines that the clubs/organisations and myself have fort for. So I thought I'd point out how things look from the darkside in a very aggresive manner (too aggressive for effect) to try and make a point. Nobody wants our lanes closed least of all me!

I'll say no more on the subject.

Anyone know of a decent redband steam barrell supplier? Localish? I require approx 3 or 4 lengths of 48mm x 4mm x 7meters would be lovley right now.
I had enough of getting grief from Land owners, Clubs and Organisations for being seen with/involved with other motors on the forum that were supposidly breaking Greenlaning guide lines that the clubs/organisations and myself have fort for. So I thought I'd point out how things look from the darkside in a very aggresive manner (too aggressive for effect) to try and make a point. Nobody wants our lanes closed least of all me!


I did notice what you've been saying and to be honest mate, pot kettle black.
Your no angel yourself, we've all been there, We all enjoy pushing ourselfs to the limits,

If you could tell us that you have never gone against GLASS guides or driven a lane knowing that you driving it will cause damage, Then i'm sure people would respect you and listen to you. But problem is, You can't say that.

No ones disagreeing with what your saying, we do all need to have a serious look at what we're doing sometimes. But dont come accross as an angel coz thats ****e.

I like how you said your fighting to keep the lanes open, when i've seen some very good pictures of you on lanes that would make very good evidance against greenlaning.

Like i said, its not what your saying thats the issue, i'm sure we all agree you have a point. But dont bull**** like your an innocent 4x4 driver who has never put a foot out of line on a lane.

Its not the "being seen with/involved with" us thats the issue its the fact that your also one of the ones doing it.

Your a mate to me, but alot of people are thinking and saying what i just said.

No offence n catch u soon

Dan yes thats it exactly, Hit the nail on the head! I have always been up for doing most green lanes believing that I was a respectable greenlaner. Hell I would drive Harlington every other day alone when it was legally open. With the exception of going out to recover others that where stuck from time to time there has not been many times I have thought anything we had done was all that bad although, looking back some have been a bit dodgy. Its the perception of what we have been doing to the outside.

I would also not have any problems with going around with Herts laners I have only said three times that we should not drive a lane because of conditions when we have been out with a group and on every occasion we have not driven that particular lane.

Its true I am no Angel but things need to change because some of the stuff we had been doing and are seen doing is on the mark and somtimes over the mark. So I have, of late not driven anything that looks impassable or on the limit. If we want to test our driving skills or show everyone how we do not get stuck all that often there are so many things you can do instead.

Myself and Ryder after marshalling a Comp Safari event, left a green lane group we had tagged along with (nobody on ere) because they were driving some cut up lanes. This turned out to be a good move as they were later reported to the police by a local.

Of late tho circa a fair few months I have not been too involved stood back and took a look at what we have done in the past and are doing currently. It just looks bad. Thats all I'm saying. What can I say we have all been there at some point in a bad situation cars stuck ect.
Now as a respectable green laner how could I not point out what things look like for us on Herts Laners? Its no single person (we) everyone involved on this forum Herts laners IMO need to calm down a bit before prosecution, or any more problems arise. If its come to Bobble hats naming pages somthings gone horribly wrong. but thats only what I think if you disagree then say so but I do honestly think things look so bad from th e outside.

Derbyshire was the most fun I have had green laning for a long time, none of the lanes were naughty, Chaplegate was tough going on the mind as you were working hard concerntrating so hard. The whole weekend was great good company and lots of scenic legal and most definatly drivable greenlanes.
was considering some night lanes on friday, dunno if anyones interested?

Night lanes on friday sounds good to me. I have been meaning to get out and do the night time thang... It gives me an excuse to finish wiring my roof lights up.

PM sent.
Night lanes on friday sounds good to me. I have been meaning to get out and do the night time thang... It gives me an excuse to finish wiring my roof lights up.

PM sent.
Why not, seeing as we might as well turn ourselves into a night-time clandestine secret society. No ramblers at night and photos don't come out as well, perfect.
I am not going to be out to play for a while as Claire went to see the midwife this morning and was told the tightenings and pain she has been having is the baby trying to come out. :eek:

She has been told that she is not allowed to lift anything, do any housework, walk any more than is absolutely necessary and that if it gets worse to go straight to hospital. So, I can not be hours away laning for obvious reasons!
Dan yes thats it exactly, Hit the nail on the head! I have always been up for doing most green lanes believing that I was a respectable greenlaner. Hell I would drive Harlington every other day alone when it was legally open. With the exception of going out to recover others that where stuck from time to time there has not been many times I have thought anything we had done was all that bad although, looking back some have been a bit dodgy. Its the perception of what we have been doing to the outside.

I would also not have any problems with going around with Herts laners I have only said three times that we should not drive a lane because of conditions when we have been out with a group and on every occasion we have not driven that particular lane.

Its true I am no Angel but things need to change because some of the stuff we had been doing and are seen doing is on the mark and somtimes over the mark. So I have, of late not driven anything that looks impassable or on the limit. If we want to test our driving skills or show everyone how we do not get stuck all that often there are so many things you can do instead.

Myself and Ryder after marshalling a Comp Safari event, left a green lane group we had tagged along with (nobody on ere) because they were driving some cut up lanes. This turned out to be a good move as they were later reported to the police by a local.

Of late tho circa a fair few months I have not been too involved stood back and took a look at what we have done in the past and are doing currently. It just looks bad. Thats all I'm saying. What can I say we have all been there at some point in a bad situation cars stuck ect.
Now as a respectable green laner how could I not point out what things look like for us on Herts Laners? Its no single person (we) everyone involved on this forum Herts laners IMO need to calm down a bit before prosecution, or any more problems arise. If its come to Bobble hats naming pages somthings gone horribly wrong. but thats only what I think if you disagree then say so but I do honestly think things look so bad from th e outside.

Derbyshire was the most fun I have had green laning for a long time, none of the lanes were naughty, Chaplegate was tough going on the mind as you were working hard concerntrating so hard. The whole weekend was great good company and lots of scenic legal and most definatly drivable greenlanes.

Nicely said Jai, I don't think you have offended anyone with that post ;)

Going forward, I see your points clearly, and I'll raise a slightly different viewpoint shortly, and I'm sure a few others will raise their viewpoints too (please do - because this debate has progessed beyond petty name calling and now makes sense :D)

Maybe it would make sense, when we have a few different viewpoints, to vote on an official Landyzone Greenlaning Policy. That way when speaking with councils etc, we can say we are a democratic group, and we have the following official policy.

Obviously no such policy is enforcable, but it would be good to know what the majority of people think, and to use as a guide for what not to do, and if done by accident, what not to post about !

So here are my current personal views (which I could be talked out with logical argument)

1. We pay taxes, like Ramblers and Horse Riders. They have thousands of foot paths, rights of way, and Bridle Ways for the horses. Why should they have exclusive/any rights to the Byways, which by nature are roads, and are for cars.

2. a) Once you remove vegetation from the soil, it will start to erode with just wind and rain. It doesn't matter if no vehicles drive it, it will still erode.

b) When a road is in such a state that a standard land rover can't get by without difficulty, no car can get by anyway, so why should we then stop using the lanes. Untill the lanes are repaired/tarred, which they would be if there were enough legitmate users, no one can use them ! So should we then stop using them so that ramblers don't get their feet muddy ?

3. As for managing public perceptions I think we are confusing the Ramblers perceptions with that of the general public. The vast majority of the public haven't even heard of green lanes, and if they heard what I said above, I think they would support us.

I also think that the majority of the public perceive Rambles as eccentric tosspots, because that is what I thought of them the first time I heard about them, and this was many years before I ever got a Land Rover or drove a Green Lane.

So my current personal opinion is we shouldn't be scared to stand up for what is fair and resonable, and fight for it. We are never going to appease to the Ramblers, so lets not even try. Lets rather all contact our local councils who administer the lanes we love, and say,

"We are a democratic group of greenlaners that believe "insert whatever we decide" and we would like to ensure that the lanes remain open, so what can we do to make sure they say open."

Then instead of our random acts of kindness going un-noticed by the people that matter, they would know exacly what we do for the community !
My understanding was that an official and organised group went against the whole ethos of LandyZone and Hertfordshire Laners. Given the recent discussions, you may have a very valid point Booger and perhaps some form of organised representation from those of us who use green lanes responsibly could be the way forward.

Alternatively, has anyone spoken to existing organisations like BHCLRC or MK4x4 to see what they think?
Bhclrc charge 5 quid to 'go with them' I believe Green laning should be Free as we like booger said pay road taxes. MK4x4 not much dealings with.

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