Kinetic Ropes can be extremely dangerous and damaging.
I wont go near one. If both the stuck and recovery vehicle aren't absolutely built for using one, they'll just pull bits off with scary consequences.
If you're coming out with us, please leave the Kinetic Rope at home.

Hear Hear :amen:
Boring i know ,, But there are some good tips here for Safe recovery practice ,, From our friends from down under ...
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 111 DVD - Terrain Tamer Recovery Gear[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action 111 DVD - Terrain Tamer Recovery Gear[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 111 DVD - Terrain Tamer Recovery Gear[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 115 - Recovery tips[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action 115 - Recovery tips[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 115 - Recovery tips[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 116 Terrain Tamer Snatch Strap[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action - 116 Terrain Tamer Snatch Strap[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 116 Terrain Tamer Snatch Strap[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 114 Terrain Tamer Hand Winch[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action - 114 Terrain Tamer Hand Winch[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 114 Terrain Tamer Hand Winch[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 113 Recovery tips[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action - 113 Recovery tips[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 113 Recovery tips[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 118 Terrain Tamer[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action - 118 Terrain Tamer[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action - 118 Terrain Tamer[/ame]​

[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 110 DVD - How to put new rope on your winch[/COLO"]YouTube - 4WD Action 110 DVD - How to put new rope on your winch[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - 4WD Action 110 DVD - How to put new rope on your winch[/ame]​

Hope you lot enjoy these short vids ,, Some Good Info from our Friends from Down Under ..

Jack-the satndard one will do but bring some blocks to add height and act as a base in the soft stuff.Wheel brace-fine.Tow rope-normal one?What does that mean?From halfords etc?Get something with a very high rating.The procomp recovery straps done by paddocks et al are good.Get a decent length.Rather have too much than not long enough.recovery points, hope their decent ones. Maps-bout 8 quid a pop whsmiths, millets etc.water-for making a brew, adding to injun/washer bottle/anything else.Get a decent size bottle of supermarket mineral water suitable for all uses.And away ya go!

Thanks. Might be a stupid question, but what sort of blocks? I will get something like this PM643 Pro Comp Recovery Strap. 2in x 30foot. 20,000lb rating. Recovery points are jate rings at the front fitted by jai and tested by Spyderman and next time we are in Tescos I can get some mineral water.
good strap that, used mine far too much!By blocks i meant just good solid blocks of wood, very low tech. Dont forgot to regularly check your jate rings for damage or deformation
Disco01 I use the Pro-Comp strap, it's really good, not like a normal strop, it has a degree of stretch to it, so it's not as harsh. it behaves like a good rope.
I still stand by that kinetic ropes are a great bit of kit if used with the proper precautions. If they do go wrong though they are a disaster waiting to happen because they store so much energy. I have normal tow ropes and towe strops and will be adding a kinetic rope to my off road kit. If however, people do not want to be recovered with it at any time, that is extremely justified.
I am very wary of people with Kenetic rope. I would use one and be recovered by one if 1. I know the person towing and trust them.
2. I know they have decent tow points and understand towing and recovery techniques fully.
3. If the situation calls for a kenetic rope.

Usually a 24mm nylon rope is more than adaquate I have witnessed many many accidents and am the first to shout if somone is doing somthing I believe is dangerious or plainly wrong. I/e strops and snatching.

Never assume anything when towing.


Just get a decent 24mm or 30mm nylon rope.

I carry an 8 meter as it doubles up to a nice short rope and can be used at full length for certain recoverys. If you do buy "a strop" (Swearing) make sure its a pro comp not a lifting/winching strop. Procomp type are designed for towing and have some give. It will save your back and put alot less strain on your recovery points. Although I would always use a nylon rope over a strop anyday. Jai
Most situations do not call for a kenetic rope. Some people carry them because thay are regarded as the best they are not they are only good if used correctly and most situations can be sorted with a normal nylon/polypropalene rope. Jai
I am quite strongly against useing strops but procomp seem to be half acceptable as they do have some stretch but I'm not 100% convinced they are slightly cheaper than rope but I always prefer good old rope. Jai
Anyway enough of my moaning about strops been there done that. Who is out this week? I'm Going to Whaddon next time its on. Need to get a tyre sorted, my CB and stereo installed and fit my 'Cough cough' Carbon "fuly sealed air filter" then its time to play and test the properties of silicone sealant. Jai
well if anyone is up for doing anything midweek this week im about! i will mostl ikely be in wales over the weekend - should be back for monday but if people are about for an evening or afternoon trip at some point this week i am about!
I'll be at whaddon next time jai. Would be good to meet up with some of the guys. Ryder was there this week, but we didn't manage to touch base.

Carpy, hows the landy then?
extremely sexy, you will love it. took it on the beach, some tracks and some dunes in wales which was a good laugh. its in bloody good nick, sure you will see it soon enough. must be female - it doesnt mark its territory like yours does

so anyone up for a midweek bash?
Somebody else with you.
Spare Wheel
Wheel Brace
Tow Rope
Recovery points
Mobile Phone, plus numbers of us lot
Basic Tool Kit ____________

Wet Wipes
Juice and baby food
2 way Radios (so the wife can keep in touch when you're still stuck at stupid o clock and you've gone up the lane to get the attention of one of us lot!)

Sleeping Bags (just in case)
Bow Saw
Ryder you forgot Spyderman or my phone number! Lol for supplies and the occasional tow. Ok enough mickey taking.

I'll be at Whaddon good to meet up with you Jet. I'll be the BS Camel 90, probably driving through canes and doing some trials training. Carpy looks like you have a goodun As I said on another thread if you want any help or advise just ask.

On another note Welshy a member from Houghton managed to change his clutch and then spend the best part of an afternoon if not longer wondering why he had no drive. Helps if you transfer box in in high or low and not neutral! Lol I'm sure he feels silly now Couldn't let that one go without a mention! Jai
You taking the nieces to Whaddon Jai, Will be taking Kai and Saff again. They had a good drive on Sunday but with no one we knew there to call on in an emergency I was a little more careful than usual. Kai had fun driving through the mud and ruts though, as did Saff. They still need a little more practice with the gears though!

Took them both out this evening and was teaching them how to pull away without using the throttle... boring but good technique for developing clutch control!

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