Hush your mouth! U hold the record and long may it stand!

If you want to allow others to see your pics, email them to me and I will host them on my ftp site. Its secure so no one else can get at them!
im also setting up an ftp and http:// site, when tiscali get there arse in gear and connect me it will be running, its ashame you couldnt make it, it was a good day lots of sticky wet mud to get stuck in, i got stuck in my front diff and tow bat dug in and wernt goin know where, spyderman got me out then got stuck himself where i was left in a puddle to get wet carpets, then kev pulled both of us out, i think someone got a pic or a vid:)
Lol sound like an interesting lane!

I'll be down that way tomorrow if I get finnished before dark I may go take a look see Jai
Lol sound like an interesting lane!

I'll be down that way tomorrow if I get finnished before dark I may go take a look see Jai

Don't go alone, it's evil. park up and take a walk. Deffo needs a return visit. I was kinda going for it today, picking the difficult lines, got me stuck a few times, plus rescueing put me in the tricky stuff too. Great fun
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we now know from experience go with at least 3, nearly got stuck again myself getting that 110 out, my brakes got better on way home must have just been mud and crap in them, that was a good day tho whens the next 1 :D

What a great Tug O War that was . Thanks to you all for a great day and the sun was shining . Its was good to see Old and new faces , Thanks Brett for Navigating , and Screwy for hauling me out lol ,, Big thanks to Glenns ears that caught the belt falling apart and Kevs Surgery , Good to see You all . But No piccies dead batt lmao ...:doh: And of Course thanks to Gibbos off road bumper puller lol , whats with me and bumpers lol ..:crazy:

I was cut short by a Alt belt that went on a diet so had to limp home on half a belt lol .. But never have i seen so many smiles from passers by on the way home , Guess they love the sight of a very filthy landy lol ...

Right then wheres me spanners

Just been outside to assess the results of yesterdays efforts. No significant damage, a slightly cracked sill finisher and a missing bumper end cap, split section of flexi by the rear silencer and that's it. Have to say I am surprised considering how stuck I was.

Anyway, one of my ropes is missing so I'd appreciate it if you could check your gear and see if you have an extra rope you don't recognise, you'll know if it's mine, it should have one shackle on it with a bolt instead of a shackle pin.

Pintsize I have your phone charger.
Kev, last time I saw that rope it was lying on the ground when you were jacking yours up.

Jai I've got your strap that Andyt109 borrowed.
Damn internet!!! It's taken me ages to get on line. Was hoping to see some kind of photography :( Had an awesome day yesterday, I know we didn't do much but it was good to get to chat to everyone and get absolutely filthy. Got some good smiles and thumbs up driving home and you should have seen the look on the faces of the guys I got to jet wash the truck!! Yeah I know it's lazy, but it's clean.

As ever thanks again Brett for the navigation. No worries with the towing/pulling out I'm sure if I were stuck the favour would be returned. :D Looking forward to the next day out.
Just been outside to assess the results of yesterdays efforts. No significant damage, a slightly cracked sill finisher and a missing bumper end cap, split section of flexi by the rear silencer and that's it. Have to say I am surprised considering how stuck I was.

Anyway, one of my ropes is missing so I'd appreciate it if you could check your gear and see if you have an extra rope you don't recognise, you'll know if it's mine, it should have one shackle on it with a bolt instead of a shackle pin.

Pintsize I have your phone charger.

That lane was a mission and a half, never been so long in one lane before, was def a challenge for everyone that's for sure! Glad, your car suffered no significant damage, it certainly took some abuse yesterday!

Thanks for letting ride shotgun, was most appreciated. Sitting in the back of the SJ is a bit hard on the old bones, and I was holding the map the right way up, which was something I spose :D Totally forgot me charger until I was on the way home. You could always hold onto it until the next meet, that's no problem.

Hopefully the Jap one will be on the road by the end of next week. Kris said changing the oil pump isn't one of the easiest jobs. Thankfully it didn't give up whilst I was still driving.

Will put my piccies on later.....
Hello to you all, looks like you all had a great day yesterday !! not long had my disco and slowly getting it ready for some lanes etc,hope to have it ready in the next 3-4 weeks ?? woul like to join you all when ya do your next one if you dont mind a newbie tagging along

You're more than welcome, as long as you've got some decent recovery points, we've got pretty much everything else.
If you need any help, Jai, Screwy, Kev, Gibbo-Phil & me are all local to you.
Just been outside to assess the results of yesterdays efforts. No significant damage, a slightly cracked sill finisher and a missing bumper end cap, split section of flexi by the rear silencer and that's it. Have to say I am surprised considering how stuck I was.

It was only mud and soft stuff at that at the end of the day, so not really the sort of stuff that does a lot of damage, although Leonberger managed, like he always does, to re-arrange his front bumper again:D Don't know how he does it.:confused: and of course Gibbo-Phil embedding his front bumper into the side of my back wing (don't worry Phil, it's just another souvenir, trying to flatten me between 2 Landys had me thinking you're out to kill me though;))

I can't believe just how muddy mine is though, especially the roof:eek: It's raining now, so at least it will get a wash.
Hehe take it those piccies were the stapleford one?Stuck four times on that lane?That might even beat my record-although ive never done that lane without getting stuck.Good pics them-and they slightly excuse me and stu getting towed by a l200!
It was only mud and soft stuff at that at the end of the day, so not really the sort of stuff that does a lot of damage

True enough, the minor injuries I inflicted on the Rangie was by rocking it back and fore after the front and rear wheels ended up across different ruts. What can you say, it happens:doh:
Hehe take it those piccies were the stapleford one?Stuck four times on that lane?That might even beat my record-although ive never done that lane without getting stuck.Good pics them-and they slightly excuse me and stu getting towed by a l200!

Stapleford Lane. I drove first straight into the mire, got stuck within a minute of getting to the lane, could have gone the easy way around it, but we decided i should give it a go. Leonberger came to rescue me and got stuck himself, Gibbo-Phil crashed into me, once Leonberger was back out on the easy stuff a little tug on mine was all that was needed to free it. Nobody else went through the route that I took.
Needed a bit of help from Kev pulling Jamie out of a water hole, but I had already driven that and had reversed back through it to help Jamie. Don't really think that counts as getting stuck.
I did get stuck in the water hole, but again nobody else tried that line. I went though it again taking a different line with Jamie on the back before I needed a bit of help from Kev.
I think my little Series did itself proud, it was certainly tested. I recon I could get through all of it, now that I know the spots to avoid, as I didn't have any trouble with any of the bits where other motors were getting stuck. A return visit is a must.
I don't think I'd be needing an L200 next time;)
Thanks for the great day out guys quite a challange but was good fun let me know next time you guys are out and dont mind pulling my 110 out again :D

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