Hello all, been a while since i posted, been away on training course. hope you are all well.

i now have my discovery on the road...

spyderman: i would like to come saturday if i am welcome to.

Burnham off roaders have a Drive Day on the 15th March at Roundhill Woods in Tring. Me and Kris are up for it, as we have gone to a few of their days. Anyone interested?
Answered my own question!! If I'm not busy, I'll be up for it. Seems I could do with some tips and pointers after the other week. :eek:
lol came in here to see if there was anything happening this weekend I could gatecrash and saw this.. another reminder for me to NEVER GO ALONE...

so on that subject what's happening tomoz and can I gatecrash??
I just got back from picking up my landy. I got back fine but had to tow my cousins car all the way home. Something tells me tomorrow is going to get messy!!!

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