Cheers jai. Stu has been helping me shift a couple of bags of soil today

Evening chaps. How are we all? Today I have been mostly taking the landy off the axle stands where it has sat since Xmas. And started fabricating brackets for my scooby seats :)
Cheers jai. Stu has been helping me shift a couple of bags of soil today


He took more pics than he did shovel soil :scratching_chin: Just how did S.W.M.B.O. and I end up doing most of the digging today? Garden looks good though, just need some grass now :tea:
Aye! Anyone interested Anglian Rover owners club not our club but close ties are trialling at Brickhill tomorrow I wil pop up in the morning for half an hour or so.

Hey Lee!! Good to see your cracking on

And Stu do you really think Joules will get his hands dirty? he has to keep the interior of his Defender clean somehow!!!

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