I'm out this Sunday with Farra around Essex way, anybody fancy joining us is more than welcome.

I'm racing my car at snetterton this Sunday so I can't make it
But I'm not working next Sunday last sunday off for 4 weeks so if you planning something for next weekend then il be up for that and I mite get my mate to go with his SIII he lives in Essex and he keeps asking me when I'm out next time
Pub meet Weds, Do't think I'll be out W/e need to crack on while the weather is ok.
Whilst progress is being made I can't stop :-(

On the plus side Spitfiremk1uk shortened my propshaft for me!! So will fit that before work tomorrow or after work depending on the weather tomorroz!
I got a late start tomorroz, well 9am locally then off to Gt Dunmow probably so might be able to check out a couple of lanes in the works car-----------maybe not!
ive got one no problem
Will you be at the pub on Wednesday/ be able to bring the spanner as I am oping to do the timing chain on Thursday?

If not would I be able to pick it up? (without sounding like a stalker I walk myy dog past yours most nights:D)
Right 90 isn't too well Front shaft FUBAR! so it'll be 2wd for a wee bit!! Got everythnig bar time to fix it at the moment See you tomorrow in the pub
Propshaft on but rubbing on xbrake caliper. Maybe a little filing required or let it sort itself out. Must be slightly bigger ujs on tdci props

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