Make sure there it isn't covered in dust and crap that'd restrict cooling airflow.

At least you don't need to bring a BBQ, just throw a steak on the radio.

A good day out was had by all in attendance I hope. Went and drove as much of the ridgeway as was practical and only had to tug a vehicle a couple of times (Phil in the frontera, and a little one for Leonburger).

Small group of 5, Spyderman was on map duty (a fine job as always!) Classic Kev piloting, Glenn, Myself,Leonburger and Gibbo Phil.

Will post the few photos we got, but am hoping that the spectacular show at the Ostrich Farm made it onto the video clip with some clarity.

Many thanks to jai for sorting the Frontera out and advising on possible recovery points, but I still like Spyderman's idea of a single strap through the driver's side window, straight through and out of the passenger window and back to the towing vehicle. Should work great, especially on a snatch tow!

Thanks to all for a great day, as always with great company. Shame about Mr T.wat at whose hostellery we elected to sup a jar and were subjected to a rude and unbecoming show of snobbery.
If I can remember the name of the Pub, I'll post it up as one to avoid. What a pompous prat. We probably doubled his takings for the day.
The funny thing is... the guy he concentrated on is a professional in his own right... in fact nearly all of us there were (god knows with a little more training I could sleep for Britain;))

It was purely his prejudice that made him so rude, and to suggest that we were treating his pub like a slum, when we were simply enjoying a quiet pint was outrageous! i mean I know my kids can be noisy sometimes but today they were pretty good!
oh well I would've tried exploring hampshire except i was i a vw van same size as a merc sphincter no good on road so no chance off it lol
Hey chip.... Read the last 10 pages or so! Too much to mention. Wish weknew you were back though... you could have come out on todays foray!
no tales of laning and annoying ramblers then?

No But met some ****ed of cyclist and a rambler who was really pro 4 x 4 today.... Bless her when I told her we were one of those "Bloody 4 x 4 brigade" she simply said... "so am I when I'm at home, I'm just walking today!

What a breath of fresh air!
Rose here....Hi all that came out today, sorry we had to cut the night short....I had heat stroke or something with very similar simptoms. better now though......does anyone know the name and address of that pub we stopped at? I am completely disgusted with the landlords behavoir.... very unjust and unreasonable, if you have a dress code you should at very least have it written in plain view. On a hot day as this was vest type t'shirts rather than bare chests ( on men ) I would have thought would be acceptable? I had no more coverage than Dan or Glen that he singled out. I plan to report him to the RSPCA as 2 out of his 3 dogs were obviously underfed.....I have never seen a black labby with a head fatter than its body or a golden retriever with extruding cheek bones! Or do I want to go to a public house were my 21 month old child gets her crisps stolen out of her hand by a big dog.......we have a big dog at home and thats probably the only thing I have been able to train her not to do.

The Shepherd's Crook
The Green, Crowell, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX9 4RR

I think like you, if the Pub has a dress code, a notice should be displayed outside. They were happy enough to serve them, we were all sitting outside, I don't see any problem. I come outside holding 2 shirts and expect people to put them on or leave is outrageous. They should have refused to serve them first. They saw what they were wearing and in taking their money and providing drinks, they have entered into a contract. The Pub has breached that contract, by imposing terms afterwards.

Like Chris says, we are not a rabble, we are responsible mainly professional people, just because at the time we're in relaxed casual clothing and driving 4x4's with a few battle scars and a bit of mud on them, doesn't make us bad mannered undesirables.

They Dogs, for Pub Dogs were definitely underfed and poorly trained. As you know I brought my dog along yesterday, an Airedale is a big dog too and whilst she would have happily eaten everything that was given to her, no way would she take food from a child's hand. Sit a make you feel guilty yes, but never take.
Seems like we're not alone, extract from 'Beer in the Evening' website.

I went to this pub with my wife, two children and my mother and father. I rang beforehand to check if children were accepted for evening meals - no problem I was told.

The beer was okay: the food was okay - however the landlord was shockingly unfriendly. We were made to feel unwelcome from the off. He even made my son cry by shouting at him - unbelievable.

We will not be going back

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harveytate - 25 Nov 2007 22:39​

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