fecking hell, yer call this gossip?????? what was said??? what was said??? to whom???? by whom???? name and shame i say! :rolleyes::p
Evening all. I hope all you Herts guys got home ok.;) :D :D :D

Right the update........

After finding out the best method of pole vaulting a 110 over a water filled ditch and bending both steering arms we managed to get the front one bent straight again and Neil got hold of a secondhand rear one fot me (Cheers Neil. Much appreciated).

Ryder got his alternator fixed and has gotten home under his own steam. :)

I got 5 miles from the campsite and blew a top hose. I got home in a cloud of steam.:eek: Tis amazing what you can do wiv gaffer tape these days.;)

I wouldn't have minded but the fecker has only been on there 6 weeks and it's gone right on the seam. Oooh. And I were towing my metal tent anorl.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Now I am home I fancy a big portion of chippies.:p :p :p

And Robint...... Where's me choccy bars you bastid?:mad:
Well what a crackin couple of days!

First and foremost... thanks to all of you for making the trip so hugely enjoyable, not just for me, but for Rose and the kids too. It is unusual to be somewhere that the kids can go off to play and we simply watch where they are without worrying about who they are with. I have to say that I didn't see anyone driving silly in the camp site, perhaps I missed that one. The comment on the CB was at best misguided, and at worst bigotted, however I hope that it was the former and I truly hope that no-one took it to heart. I am sure that no one in our group would have meant any mallice!

Once you had all left, and there was only us to go... we discovered that the damn disco had insufficient power to move itself let alone the damn trailer! Turned out that the last set of mud holes we did clogged up the regulator on the rear of the alternator. So having been diagnosed by Ratty and sorted by a Very Very nice man from the AA (off roading... me?..... noooooooo, but its been very wet and boggy up where I come from!) we managed to trundle off and arrived home a little while ago.

Regrets? Yes.... it wasn't long enough. We should have done a four day weekend. Maybe next time.

Huge thanks to Ratty and to Robint for their brilliant job of navigating and pre-warning of the depths. (Still not sure how they get to know how deep the water is without throwing in a small child!)

There was one other thing I was going to say...

Regarding the swearing on the CB. I don't know how you others feel, but for me and ours its not really an issue. The kids generally know which words they are and which words they are not allowed to use. However no one can stop them hearing the language in every day life. Sometimes a few choice words slip out and I am reasonably sure that they hear worse at school. They certainly hear as bad at home when the computer is misbehaving! The last thing I want is for any of our friends on here to feel that they have to start second gessing themselves in conversation "because Ryder's kids are around". In actual fact Saff could probably teach you a few choice phrases of her own! ;)
ere Ratty

did yu go to the bomb hole?

and this piccy.... aint where i got stuck - is it? It seems a lot wider (and shallower;).


looks like yu guys had a good w/e on Salisbury :D
some good pics there spyderman

I would just like to add how well we looked out for each other i had several phone calls to make sure we were ok on the trip home after the word had spread that my wheel bearing had half collapsed as did gibophil and ryder after an alternator fault cheers again guys. In true landrover fashion we both managed to get them going enough to get home safe Jai
ere Ratty

did yu go to the bomb hole?

and this piccy.... aint where i got stuck - is it? It seems a lot wider (and shallower;).


looks like yu guys had a good w/e on Salisbury :D

S'alright daft. That looks like the same place but the shallow one of the 3.
I would just like to say it was an absolutely fantastic weekend (Apart from that headache I had that ruined my Alccohol drinking session :( ) Im glad everyone got home safely. We got in quite late after dropping off my brother and his mate. :)

I would just like to add, I did notice the deliberate tearing up of the campsite several times and it was unnecessary. But there isnt nothing that can be done now.
Also as for the swearing - Alot of people do it, and like a comment I read earlier (I cant remember who posted it ) If you arent used to young kids then you seem to forget what you can and cant say, so I think people done fantastically concidering :)
However on the other hand being in the Shogun we didnt have a CB so I didnt hear about the 'comment' made but im sure it wasnt meant to offend anyone - It was probably someone who opens their mouth before they think - Generally like me lol.

I will say a comment made from the bloke from the Frontera to my brother I am very very angry about - And I had to keep my cool over it as it was harsh and unnecessary to a 15 year old! :mad:

But overall! We had a fantastic weekend! Im sure when Gibbo gets out of bed and we have returned the Shogun he will be here to post.

But thank you everyone for a great weekend and everyone was so outgoing and friendly I was amazed! :D Lol.

Speak soon.

Stace aka Angelica :p

(Yes I did make the account just to post this lol.)
A big list of names to thank ,, Ratty Robin and Neil who know this place like the back of there hand , showed us some great views . Was amazing to drive and to see where your going and where you have been ..

Thankyou to all the soldiers out there . Beth had waved and they waved back with big smiles .. was so much fun .

Big group hug and of course and to Brett showing a master class in BBQ cooking cheers mate .

As ever when you go out on trips you wish you had spend more time there , but it only meens for you to yern to come back for more .

Sydermans pics are sogreat i may have to use one for here if you dont mind lol ..

As ever lots to clean and lots todo .

Ive learnt so much about me and about the Landy this weekend .
As ever with help from your friends things happen , good words of encouragement do go far . Thank you all for all your help and advise .

Cheers to you all ..

Here's some more pics.







This was the extreme congestion we encountered on one lane.:p :p :p :p :p :p



ooooo I rembers that last pics location.......i think

so does MHM.;)

we all live in the tuftee submarine
the tuftee submarine
the tuftee submarine
we all live in the tuftee submarine........

:D :D :D snigger:D :D :D
nah - wimps all of ya - next time.....

ratty - yu is going thru there - landy or no landy;)

If it makes you feel any better it knocked the frontera outta action for virtually the whole weekend.:D

At least tuftee wuz still running afterwards.;)
i int upset at all - in fact quite chuffed that i did, at least try it:D

wots that about fools and angels?;)
The 3 water runs were pretty good fun, especially the deepest one, it was so bumpy, especially in an old Series like mine. Is that the one in the video of MHM stuck in it?
We'd like to return your hospitality and invite you up our way for a weekend laning. Herts & Essex one day and Santa Pod and Grafham the other. It's a shame it's too late to organise it this season, as the Santa Pod/ Grafham ones close for the winter at the end of the month. For sure we'll arrange something for next year.