Ok so first real post is a massive thanks..... without most of you the weekend would have been nothing for me, i had a really awesome time and got a wicked photo of DB. one of my memory cards went up the crapper but trying to get what i can back........

i hope you all enjoyed it and no doubt i'll see you all soon!!

My second post is a bit of a moan and to give a word of advice. I would just like to say on behalf of me and several other people how embarrassed we were when certain very inappropriate comments were made via the CB. Alot of people have been very hurt and upset by a comment made over the CB during the visit and i pleed that people watch what they say via the CB and generally to avoid people falling out with people and us loosing some people that have become good friends. At the end of the day we're a happy bunch of friends that enjoy going out laning. However i feel if this was to occur again then we might not be the happy group we are now.

I hope that the comment and this thread has not upset anyone. Myself certainly was very upset by the comment made.

End of Rant.

Thanks again all for a good weekend and i look forward to seeing you all again soon!!!!

so where we going next?

dan glad you enjoyed it ........ must of made a change to see where your going and some nice views chucked in for free !!!!!!
looking forward to see what everyone else,s thoughts are to !!!!!!!!
robint, you were a diamond a massive thanks to you n ratty for the navigation!!! i could spend all night saying thanks to people for bits and pieces but it would take forever!!!!

however, thanks to neil for keeping me warm!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!

Ooooooo did ratty keep going on about chippies over the cb again, that guys obsessed
Just got back from Salisbury (via the pub:D )

First up, big thanks to Ratty and Robint, what a pair of diamond geezers, cheers guys, you're welcome in this part of the world whenever.

Second, everyone else, great weekend hope you all enjoyed it and have had safe journeys home.

Last - the Rangie has suffered a wee bit of damage. Rear wheel bearing I suspect is going to be in bits in there, still managed to cruise up motorway at steady 70. The really odd thing was losing the speedo. Driving with no idea how fast you're going is kinda diffrent. Anyway, speedo started working after stopping at the pub, unfortunately the wheel bearing is still fooked.

Overall, what can I say, the company made the weekend, YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA and thanks to all.
hey guys what a wonderful weekend thanks to our guides

Currently between oxford and aylebury after some really rough field mechanics the wheel bearing seems to be holding up so far fingers crossed Jai
What a wonderful weekend!
Shame it was only 2 days. Had areally good time. Many thanks to Ratty and RobinT. Just glad I could help out with some parts.
:mad: I just want to add my five eggs over the foul coments made over the CB this weekend that were out of order and very offensive. AND all the swearing that went on considering there were children on the trip. There is no place for discriminative behavour when we are out .:mad:
Wow and many thanks for to you all for making this trip happen ...
Im too knackerd to type and think straight .... lol

Beth and me had a blast at putting our landy through its pases and sharing the highs and lows of this great trip :cool: .

As ever i know i will have todo list on our landy in the morning , once i get the mud washed away lol ... ie save for a new rad ,,,

Will write more soon ,,

Thanks again ....

:mad: I just want to add my five eggs over the foul coments made over the CB this weekend that were out of order and very offensive. AND all the swearing that went on considering there were children on the trip. There is no place for discriminative behavour when we are out .:mad:

I Concour,, Lack of brain to mouth atcivity happening .. SORT IT !!

Also Driving like an idiot on the Camp ground is not needed .. SORT IT !!

at least some other people have picked up on the fact that what was said was down right rude and out of order... i agree with both comments made by leonberger and DB, i appreciate that swear words slip out when they shouldnt especially if your not usually around nippers! i know i slipped a few this weekend but the horrible discriminating comments NOT NEEDED and i hope not to hear it ever used by any of us on here agin. i do not socialise with people like that!
i hate to moan after such a good weekend because it was awesome but speaking to people on the way home it has become apparant just how many people that one comment offended and upset and put a downer on.

i love you all and i dont want anyone getting upset or hurt

Peace out

Just got home after nursing a sick Jai home. Rebuilt the front wheel bearing at the roadside. I think it finally let go as he pulled onto his drive.
Many thanks to our guides Ratty & Robint, fabulous job.:D
Sorry for being so slow on road, engine still needs a bit of work, but what a shakedown run.
The CB I have is a bit crap, so I only got about 10% of the conversations. I didn't hear anything untoward, but I certainly don't condone such behaviour, whatever was said.
We had a really great time and would like to thank everyone that made this a very enjoyable weekend, especially Robint and ratty for showing us around the best places to go on the plain. Hope we will be able to get the group together for another fantastic weekend sometime in the near future.
I know of some comments that were made on the CB which were offensive and i was a bit shocked at what was said. I wasn't that sure who had made the comment, but i put it down to this person not thinking about what thay had said before saying it and decided to not take offence to it as long as it did not continue.
I too heard the said comment my passenger was very very shocked. I am 110% sure it wasnt intended to offend however it was wrong to have said it.

Right, the weekend was superb although I was a little ****ed with some people having little or no regard for military grounds especially after all the effort our guides put it to avoid hassel. Ok all the rants over. All said and done nice company, good lanes, and decent beer I for one had a bloody good time hope we can get out more later in the year (as long as I haven't gotta tow any fronteras on a bar as it spoils my rear view of the countryside) only joking, Jai