
Active Member
Maybe one for the mechanically minded;):D
So arfter reading the thread on converting disco r380 to fender I decided to give it a go on my disco v8 lt77s that I'm planning on fitting in my fender, i Managed to fab the bit that goes to the selector shaft as seen here

But when i fit the defender selector housing I can't get any gears, I have a feeling it may have some thing to do with the 5th gear thing on the selector shaft and the bit on the selector housing that holds the 5th gear in place on its shaft

Heres a pic of the defender and disco selectors disco on left and fender on the right, notice the different placement of the pin that holds the 5 gear in place

Think I may need to make a bracket to move this back on the fender selector housing what do you think? Or am I missing something?
Been doing some measuring and looking through the gearbox manual, it looks like the 5th gear selector ring is moving as the retaining pin is in a different pos on the fender gear change mech, so i need to fab a bracket to relocate into correct place and all should be ok, I hope;) but that's a job for tomorrow time for a few tinnys now:D
your end up with cutting the seat box to convert a 77 to defender the box needs stripping normally.
hows yo Lexus coming on Fanny?

Got a bit of welding done, going to have a go again tomorrow if I get a chance.

Seems okay with new tablets as long as I don't lift anything heavy or bend over.

Bit like a wounded soldier compared to normal- but I'm getting it done, slower than I would like but progressing non the less
Fanatic what I've done is fit the whole gear change mech from a defender lt77 and fitted it on to a disco v8 lt77s so it all should be in same place as it is now on the 230 and then relocate engine mounts for v8 if you get me, it should all line up shouldn't it or am I missing something:confused:
Stop being tight buy the right gearbox, and stop bodging an old disco g box into a real land rover

I no i no ;) plan to fit a new 380 at some point thats when i finally get to fit the v8, still yet to rebuild it as its stripped and on the bench but ain't had time to clean everything up and decide whether to do a standard rebuild or not, then also got to get the megasquirt for it and fit that:rolleyes: so long way off yet I'll see what comes up:D
If your really tight for cash consider a 4 speed rangie box again not right but alot stronger and could be alot neater.

Can get an overdrive box Plus overdrive wot about £150 ish.

I got 2 boxes one refurbished alledgedly for not alot of money well none actually just a favour or two.
Not in a great rush at the moment with so much to do and get hold of for the conversion, and especially as there is not wrong with the 200 Tdi in it at he mo, will prob pick up the 380 at some point before I fit the v8 and do it properly but that's a while off but wanted to see if it was possible to convert the box, doubt it would take much abuse from the v8 thou:D
Been doing some measuring and looking through the gearbox manual, it looks like the 5th gear selector ring is moving as the retaining pin is in a different pos on the fender gear change mech, so i need to fab a bracket to relocate into correct place and all should be ok, I hope;) but that's a job for tomorrow time for a few tinnys now:D
the interlock retainer does sit in a further forward position in a disco rrc box compared with defender ,they use different synchro hub and lever mechanism unlike r380 were def and disco are the same

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