running electricity generator 30kW required max 540 rpm, that's why i need to know PTO rpm
What sean said
My mate used to have a Dodge nifty with a pto jenny, and all we used to do was engage pto stick it in 5th and leave it on tickover.
Have you fitted it yourself or is it supposed to be there?
The jenny alternator's voltage will change voltage the faster the windings spin.
Engage pto, stick a volt meter on it,get the jenny spinning on tick over and see what the voltage says, in each gear.
So long as fingers are not in the plug and no appliances are plugged in, damage should not occur.
That way you can find out what's what.
If your tick over is high voltage will be high what ever.
Er, what voltage is the windings?
**Disclaimer, I would attempt this if it was my situation, but I would seek better advise from competent persons first, before fekking with Eletricity**